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Goldenfox93 is a user on the Gametechmods forums. Hailing from Lincolnshire in England, he actually joined in 2007, but thought that he needed it to download stuff on the website, but it turns out it didn't. As a result, he initially only posted a couple of times, but then forgot about his account. About two years later, he rediscovered it, and now tends to post more regularly. The self-proclaimed "Biggest fan of Cassius II on the Internet Today", GoldenFox93 (Or GF93, as he is most often known on GTM) possesses an unmatched love on GTM for the "Cassius" robots, particularly the second version, Cassius II.

Rank Forum Member, Replica Builder, Main Story Time Contributor
Political Stance Drama Queen (non-n00b version), occasional n00b whacker
Grudge / Ally Status
Allies With Sonny Resetti, Hydro, Pwnator, Zog, Craaig, NateF, Ashman12, Jonzu95, Stagfish, lloopp de lloopp, Gazea2, WhammettNuht, NFX, Scourge of teh Galaxy, Scorpion, FOTEPX, Squirrel_Monkey, Thyrus, Badnik96, and MassimoV. Sometimes Naryar, Meganerdbomb and kill348gs.
Rivals With NFX (Friendly)
Grudges With Avalanche
Fear Rating Rating 1.gif 10/100
Respect Rating Rating 1.gif 20/100
His account is named after the third vehicle in F-Zero GX, the "Golden Fox". However, he finds this nickname fairly stupid, and may consider changing it. He also has a mild case of Asperger's Syndrome, and is very conscious of status, most notably of respect rating.
Memorable Quote
-"Could there be a replica of Cassius 2 in DSL 3?"



So much so in fact, he built several different replicas of it, and notoriously, once asked in the DSL 3.0 thread at least 10 times if Clickbeetle could made a Cassius 2 replica. This initially earned him some notoriety amongst some users as something of a fanboy, particularly amongst users like Naryar. Since then, he has toned down his obsession on GTM somewhat, but is still a big fan of the robot.

Although he has not contributed a great deal to RA2 itself, he is a regular poster on the forums, and has become quite a character in some respects, most often posting in the Playground and chatterbox sections. He does not tend to build in RA2 very often, but his skills are generally considered quite respectable, particularly in Stock, when he does build, which he mainly does for the purpose of entering tournaments.

Personality-wise on the forums, GF93 is generally considered a nice guy, but in some cases, especially with noobs interfering with Story Time and losing large amounts of reputation (no longer a problem, but he used to be particularly sensitive about this), he can be short-tempered. However, he generally does not hold major grudges with anyone, the sole exception being Avalanche, whom he developed a grudge with over being cheated in a Terror Twisters grudge match, repeated spamming in Story Time, and generally annoying him all-round.

Even still, he is considered to be friendly, approachable and hard to get angry in most cases, often referring to both friend and enemy alike with "Matey", which has pretty much become a catchphrase of his. However, he did once create an I'm Leaving thread after being bullied by System32. This was reconsidered however, and both Sys and GF93 are on speaking terms, even if not friends. He also has something of a friendly rivalry with NFX, mainly focussing on beating each other in replica tournaments.

He could also be considered one of the more romantic members of the forum after Goose, recently beginning a relationship with his long-time friend and Story Time associate, Scourge of teh Galaxy.

Building Style

Stock: GF93 does consider himself fairly skilled in Stock, gradually learning the tricks of the trade from other users and the Starcore AI packs. His tournament success in Stock has generally been quite respectable, and earned his first Tournament Championship from it. However, he generally does not use glitch techniques to build, only going as far as Stacking batteries most of the time.

DSL: GF93 also sometimes builds in DSL, but he considers himself less skilled there, having trouble building effective wedges in most cases. Almost ironically, two of his best tournament results were obtained using it.

GF93 also has a liking for building replicas of real-life robots, in both stock and DSL. In both cases, he enjoys building Flippers, Popups and Rammers.


Stock: [1]

DSL: [2]

Achievements and Tournament Entries

All Time Win/Loss Record: 15 Wins, 7 Losses

Tournaments Entered

Metal Mayhem: MeaCulpa II (GRAND CHAMPION, 4 wins, 0 losses)

Replica Wars: Cassius II (Third Place and Coolest Robot, 3 Wins, 1 Loss)

GF93 entered Badnik96's "Replica Wars" tournament, with his DSL replica of the Robot Wars competitor, Cassius II. It won Round 1, defeating lloopp de lloopp's Destructive Criticism and Badnik96's "byebot" Silverback, KOing Silverback by flipping it over, before winning the match on a tight Judge's Decision. During the fight, Destructive Criticism damaged its Flip-up Paddle weapon, but Cassius II won the decision, due to its major role in KOing Silverback, and surviving convincingly until the end of the match. Cassius II was then drawn against Craaig's Bigger Brother in the Quarter Finals. Cassius II had a brief scare at the beginning of the Fight when Bigger Brother flipped it, but it landed on its wheels. It soon got underneath Bigger Brother and flipped it around the arena, before finally lining it up and tossing it out of the arena boundary for the win.

Its next tournament battle was with MikeNCR's Frostbite. Here, Cassius II started off well, flipping Frostbite around the arena, until Frostbite eventually wrecked its Flip-up Paddle weapon, and slowly caused considerable damage to its chassis until cease was called. Cassius II did manage to survive convincingly until the end of the match (Pushing Frostbite around the arena in the process), so a Judge's Decision was called, in which Frostbite won. Cassius II's final official match took place before the Grand Final itself, where it fought Revolutionist, built by JoeBlo. This was the fastest match win in Replica Wars, in which Cassius II immediately got underneath Revolutionist before it could spin, before proceeding to toss it out of the arena to take Third Place in the Tournament overall.

Even though its tournament run has ended, GF93 sent an improved version of the robot to enter the Grudge Matches due to be held at the end of the tournament. Unfortunately, the Wild Cards were cancelled due to lack of interest. It did however, mean the awards could progress. Cassius II was eventually voted Coolest Robot in the tournament due to its looks, OOTAing capabilities, and durability throughout the tournament, taking a battering in two rounds but never losing by KO.

N00b Warz 3: Hog of War (Competed)

GF93's second tournament entry was into N00b Warz 3, with Hog of War. In its First Round Melee, it primarily focussed on attacking the defending champion, Rust Monster. It did well, flipping Rust Monster around, but it ultimately lost after it pulled a Kamikaze charge on Rust Monster, pitting it. HOW could not stop in time however, so it went into the pit after Rust Monster did. In the score table for the match however, it placed second in terms of points, so was the best performing robot in the fight apart from Shibby, the eventual winner.

UK vs. US: Spitfire (Joint Third-Place, Unluckiest Robot Nominee, 2 wins and 1 loss)

When Joeblo's US vs. UK Replica tournament was announced, GF93 was quick to enter. Representing the United Kingdom, his replica of the British Battlebots competitor Spitfire was originally due to fight Stagfish's replica of the Robot Wars competitor V-Max, but after the tournament ownership changed, so did the brackets. As a result, Spitfire's first opponent was changed to Badnik96's robot Phere. Here, Spitfire had a brief scare at the beginning of the fight after it flipped itself over on Phere's wedge, but was able to recover from it, before flipping Phere over and onto a corner grinder to immobilise and win.

In the Quarter Finals, GF93's next opponent was Thyrus's replica of the RW Extreme Warriors competitor Night Stalker, a Shell spinner which has previously... let Naryar's entry Bad Attitude lose by itself.... This was an easy victory for Spitfire due to the contrasting types of the robots, allowing it to flip it over and push it around the arena, before flipping it out of the arena to win by KO.

Unfortunately for GF93 however, his next opponent was Pwnator's VS Dark Striker, which had destroyed two of its previous opponents, including the heavily favoured Steel Reign, built by Jack Daniels. When the fight began, Dark Striker immediately pulled off the wedge from Spitfire's flipping arm, rendering it useless. After some counter-ramming from Spitfire from around the rear of Dark Striker, Dark Striker eventually got under the British robot and knocked it upwards with its rotating blades to gutrip it, eventually KOing Spitfire and eliminating GF93.

Later, GF93 asked about the possibility of a Third-Place playoff against Scrap Daddy's Aces and Eights. When this was denied due to time restraints, GF93 and Scrap each recieved joint Third-Place overall, resulting in the second time GF93 has reached the final four in a tournament. Spitfire was also nominated for the "Unluckiest Robot" award in the tournament, but lost out to Bad Attitude.

BBEANS6: Mr. Punch (Wildcard Bracket, 4th Place- 2 wins, 2 losses)

Back to the Beginnings 2: Son of MSHD (Quarter Finals in Winner's Bracket, Semi Final in Loser's Bracket, 4 wins, 2 losses)

Harder Better Faster Stronger: Brian the Anorexic Box and his Crap Umbrella (In Round 3, Tournament cancelled)


  • GTM Awards 2010- Least Likely to Stay on Topic
  • GTM Awards 2010- Most Enthusiastic