Bot of the month

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The Bot of the month contest (BotM for short) is a robot building contest started by ACAMS on Gametechmods. Each month, ACAMS gives needed bot criteria for the upcoming month, and the builders design a robot and create an attractive image showing it (otherwise known as a splash). The entries are then displayed to the public and are voted on in a dedicated thread, the winner is the entry with the most votes. As a reward for winning Bot of the Month your entry will be displayed on the home page.

BotM was discontinued in January 2014 due to lack of interest. Since its revival in November 2014, it has been hosted by Trovaner.

Past Winners

# Month Mod Weightclass AdditionalRestriction(s) Winner(s) Image
1 May 2008 DSL 2.1 HW None Naryar Iron Mayhem (VS)
2 June 2008 DSL 2.1 LW None 70 CUDA Maverickv4 (VS)
3 July 2008 DSL 2.1 MW Rammer R0B0SH4RK Fuerza (Rammer)
4 August 2008 Stock 1.3 MW Rammer Venko Cotidis Nitida (Rammer)
5 September 2008 Stock 1.3 MW Hammer Sage MC Hammer (Hammer)
6 October 2008 Anything Any None somestrangeguy 2 Fast 4 U (Rammer/SnS)
7 November 2008 Anything Any None Madiaba & Sage ATOM (Freak)
8 December 2008 Anything Any Christmas-themed Clickbeetle Frosty the Snowbot (Freak)
9 January 2009 Stock 1.3 LW None Sage Tiny Trinity (Trinity SnS)
10 February 2009 Stock 1.3 HW None Clickbeetle Slaying Mantis V (Hammer)
11 March 2009 Stock 1.3 MW Circular Chassis Clickbeetle Chain Reaction (Flail SnS)
12 April 2009 Anything Any None Naryar Deflagration (SnS)
13 May 2009 Stock 1.3 BW None Clickbeetle Redbird of Unhappiness (Chained HS)
14 June 2009 Stock 1.3 AW None JoeBlo Death By Angles (SnS)
15 July 2009 Stock 1.3 HW Hybrid Sage Mongrel (VS/Juggler Hybrid)
16 August 2009 DSL 2.1 HW Popup JoeBlo Mystery Pyramid (Omni-directional Popup)
17 September 2009 Stock 1.3 MW VS Clickbeetle Hell's Sawmill (Chained VS)
18 October 2009 Stock 1.3 MW Hammer JoeBlo Chocolate (Full Body Hammer)
19 November 2009 Stock 1.3 HW 2 Plows JoeBlo Wrecking Crew (Vertical Clamp)
20 December 2009 Anything Any Christmas-themed 123savethewhales Christmas Reindeers (Artbot)
21 January 2010 DSL 2.1 HW None R0B0SH4RK The Wr3ckoning (Full Body Drum)
22 February 2010 Stock 1.3 MW VS Clickbeetle Proteus (HS/VS Hybrid)
23 March 2010 Stock 1.3 HW FS Pwnator Core Drill (FS)
24 April 2010 DSL 2.1 MW None Clickbeetle Ludicrous Speed (Flipper)
25 May 2010 Stock 1.3 HW Crawler JoeBlo Endless Existence (Crawler)
26 June 2010 DSL 2.1 MW Triangular Chassis JoeBlo Tri-Mangle (Torque Reaction Hammer)
27 July 2010 Stock 1.3 HW Hybrid with 6 wheel drive JoeBlo & Sage Blitzkrieg (Strafing Drum/Wammer)
28 August 2010 Anything Any None 123savethewhales Super Massive Black Hole (Freak)
29 September 2010 Stock 1.3 BW None JoeBlo Dimension (Full Body Clamp)
30 October 2010 DSL 2.1 HW None NFX Flash Bang (Flamethrower)
31 November 2010 DSL 2.1 HW Military-themed 123savethewhales & JoeBlo Siege Tank (Artbot)
32 December 2010 Anything Any Christmas-themed Clickbeetle Gingerbot (Hammer)
33 January 2011 Stock 1.3 HW Side Hammer NFX Viral Sweep (Trinity Side Hammer)
34 February 2011 DSL 2.1 HW Shell Spinner NFX Ion- (Dual Flail Shell Spinner/SnS)
35 March 2011 Stock 1.4 HW None Clickbeetle Ice Phoenix (Artbot/Hammer)
36 April 2011 DSL 2.1 MW None Jack Daniels El Chupacabra (Hammer/Replica)
37 May 2011 Stock 1.4 LW None JoeBlo Engage (Crawler)
38 June 2011 Anything Any None NFX Enterprise (Artbot)
39 July 2011 DSL 2.1 Any None NFX Kart (Artbot)
40 August 2011 Stock 1.4 MW None J GiraffeBot (Artbot)
41 September 2011 DSL 2.1 HW Hammer Hybrid Scrap Daddy Dominant Species (Hammer/Poker)
42 October 2011 Stock 1.4 MW Crawler with Hax Mode / AAM / BFE allowed JoeBlo Stinger (Crawler/Artbot)
43 November 2011 DSL 2.1 Any Drum Jack Daniels Vixen (Drum)
44 December 2011 Anything Any Christmas-themed Jack Daniels SFTW Present (Artbot)
45 January 2012 Stock 1.4 UHW None Kurt Wylde n00bot (Rammer)
46 February 2012 DSL 2.1 Any 8-Wheeled Craaig Shell-B-Gone (Hammer/Sawbot)
47 March 2012 Stock 1.4 LW None NFX Minor Miner (FS)
48 April 2012 DSL 2.1 MW None NFX Shelley (Rammer/Side Hammer/Flamethrower)
49 May 2012 Stock 1.4 BW None Fracture Scout Starship (Poker/Artbot)
50 June 2012 DSL 2.1 AW None Clickbeetle Hailstone (Inertia Powered Lifter)
51 July 2012 DSL 2.1 HW None Kurt Wylde Slideout (Vehicle/Artbot)
52 August 2012 Stock 1.4 MW None NFX Mutant Tricycle (Trinity SnS)
53 September 2012 Stock 1.4 AW None NFX Quark (HS)
54 October 2012 Stock 1.4 HW None Pwnator Predatory Glow (Side Hammer/FS)
55 November 2012 DSL 2.1 LW None JoeBlo Zoid Bot (Side Hammer)
56 December 2012 Anything Any Christmas-themed Domanating Bad Santa (Walker)
57 January 2013 Anything Any Cannon Domanating Bio Cannon (Cannon)
58 February 2013 Anything Any Train MassimoV All Aboard (Pusher/Artbot)
59 March 2013 Stock 1.4 HW None Venko Patient Bear (Crawler)
60 April 2013 Stock 1.4 UHW None Venko The Infinite (Freak)
61 May 2013 DSL 3 Beta MW None Clickbeetle Cloud 9 (Flipper)
62 June 2013 Anything Any None Domanating AT-AT Imperial Walker (Walker/Artbot)
63 July 2013 Anything Any Aircraft/Spaceship 123savethewhales Battlestar Galactica (Artbot)
64 August 2013 DSL 3 Beta HW Replica Sonny_Resetti Worteldriekwadraat (Replica)
65 September 2013 Stock 1.4 LW None Lightning S Robber Fly (FS)
66 October 2013 DSL 2.1 HW Multi-bot JoeBlo Iron Man & War Machine (Strafing Flamethrower)
67 November 2013 DSL 2.1 SHW Shell Spinner SKBT Deathclock (Artbot)
68 December 2013 Anything Any Christmas-themed Paranoia Nuclear Winter (Artbot)
69 November 2014 Ironforge 1.0 MW None TBD Devastator Hammerfury (Tank/Artbot)
70 December 2014 Anything Any Christmas-themed RedlineM203 Toy Racer (Artbot)
71 January 2015 DSL 2.1 HW None Thrackerzod Grande Octo (SnS)
72 February 2015 Stock 1.4 LW None Wacky Bob Clock Cleaner (HS/VS)
73 March 2015 Ironforge 1.0 LW None RedlineM203 Total Control (Servo Turret Hammer)
74 April 2015 DSL 3 Beta MW None RedlineM203 Gravedigger (VS/Flipper)
75 May 2015 Stock 1.4 HW None RedlineM203 Body Pillow (Hammer)
76 June 2015 Ironforge 1.0 MW None RedAce Red Baron (Artbot)
77 July 2015 DSL 2.1 LW None MassimoV Rage (Thwacker)
78 August 2015 Stock 1.4 MW None Pwnator Riiipblade (VS)
79 September 2015 Ironforge 1.1 HW None Tashic Metal Grinder (Drum)
80 October 2015 Anything Any Halloween-theme Domanating Spectre (Artbot)
81 November 2015 Anything Any None RedAce Steel Dragon (Flamethrower/Artbot)
82 December 2015 Anything Any Christmas-theme Thrackerzod Mr. Bones (Artbot)
83 January 2016 Stock 1.4 HW None RedAce Fusion Bomb (Piston Popup)
84 February 2016 DSL 2.2 HW None Thrackerzod Bonemera (Artbot)
85 March 2016 Ironforge 1.1 HW None Clickbeetle Micrathena (Artbot)
86 April 2016 Stock 1.4 MW 1 Cheatbot2 Part Minimum Thrackerzod Magnemite (Artbot)
87 May 2016 DSL 2.2 MW None Thyrus 4 Stegs Down (IRL/Lifter)
88 June 2016 RA3 HW None RedlineM203 Red Giant (Poker)
89 July / August 2016 Anything HW 4th of July-theme Meganerdbomb America's #Brexit (Trinity Flyer)
90 September 2016 Stock 1.4 MW Component Freedom Mod Allowed JoeBlo Warfare (Strafing Popup)
91 October 2016 Ironforge/Retooled HW Component Freedom Mod Allowed, Unrealistic R01 The Grim Harvester (Clamp/Artbot)
92 November 2016 DSL/Retooled HW Component Freedom Mod Allowed, Unrealistic Mr. AS Chair (Artbot)


1. JoeBlo - 14 Wins

2. Clickbeetle - 12 Wins

3. NFX - 9 Wins


Between Clickbeetle and JoeBlo's 26 Wins they have won every month at least once except January.

8 Different people have achieved "Back to Back" victories, Clickbeetle being the first to do so

JoeBlo and Redline are the only winners to successfully win more then twice in succession (with JoeBlo winning 3 in a row in 2010 with the help of Sage, and Redline winning 3 in a row in 2015)

November 2016's BOTM was the first (and so far only one) to win, but not be featured on the front page of Gametechmods. This was possibly due to the crude nature splash and filename.