Not Quite Replica Wars

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Not Quite Replica Wars (also known as NQRW) was a tournament hosted by Squirrel_Monkey. The tournament received 16 entries. It was a single elimination tournament with a best of 3 matches, with 4 rumbles at the end of the tournament. Every robot fought at least twice.

The eventual winner was Jack Daniels with GaffSquareBladeFront4Wheels.

The awards are: BTSHDBBDDTBL (a.k.a Unluckiest): Moe Money Mo Problems

BTDBTEPDTGL (a.k.a Luckiest): Anorexia

Coolest Bot: Scavenger

SFTW: Reincarnated Ronin

Scariest Bot: 518/WHEELY Big Cheese!

Originality Award: Selling Raw Lobbies 250gp Ea

Best Moment: WHEELY Big Cheese eating, It's own wheel, The Arena, Anorexia, ect.

Best Fight: Semi Final 2 (518 vs GaffSquareBladeFront4Wheels)


T-Plus - Squirrel Monkey (T-Minus)

Moe Money Moe Problems - MikeNCR (M.O.E)

Fido-uble - GK (Growler)

Killdozer - freeziez (Killdozer)

Scavenger - Thyrus (Razer)

518 - Conraaa (259)

GaffSquareBladeFront4Wheels - Jack Daniels (Billy-bot)

WHEELY Big Cheese - GarvinTheGreat (Wheely Big Cheese)

Slap Happier 4 - Somebody (SlapHappy)

Hypno-Disc - dragonsteincole (Hypno-Disc)

YU812 - TheSpaz (YU812)

Supernova - That Robot is a Spy! (Supernova)

Can't Get No Destructo - xanosz (Techno Destructo)

Anorexia - SKBT (Techno Destructo)

Recarniated Ronin - Hard Bot (Ronin)

Selling Raw Lobbies 250gp Ea - Scrap Daddy (Thermidor)

More to come soon