Wild Robots Live
Wild Robots Live is a tournament hosted by Whamett Nuht.
General rules
It was setup in Pods, eash with a different set of rules.
First Pod: The tournment does not select winners by KO's and TKO's, but by the amount of points won.
Second pod: The normal tourney rules apply. Loser fight those in 2nd place in the first pod.
H@zm47 (Archy V the Resurrection, Disc VS)
-WhamettNuht (Chuzzle, SnS)
-JoeCB1991 (Destroyer WDB, Mako clone)
-System32 (Facemelikeafool, FS)
-ShadowArts (FlamesFromUnder, double bar VS)
-Naryar (Hope no More 3.2, True Popup
-supernova (Ice Blast, disc HS)
-Jules (Immortal Corruptor, unsurprisingly a VS)
-Reier (Mutant Dragonfly 8, Poker),
-courthousedoc (panther, Shell spinner
-philetbabe (poison of Maatet, turret VS)
-Urjak (Purple Pest, vertical Sawbot)
-TleeC11B (Thunder God, double disc HS)