Scrap Daddy

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Scrap Daddy, aka Macdaddy scrap, aka tha motherfuckin beast from the east, aka Virus Bomb, is a member at Gametechmods and a very skilled Stock builder. He particularly likes Bear Claws and was the second Wikimod, following Naryar.

Scrap Daddy
Rank Veteran
Political Stance Innovationalist, n00b whacker, Tourney Timer
Grudge / Ally Status
Allies With InfiniteInertia, Sage, R0B0SH4RK, Naryar, Jack Daniels, Kill343gs, and other vets.
Grudges With Somebody (light), most n00bs
Fear Rating Rating 3.gif 50/100
Respect Rating Rating 3.gif 45/100
Memorable Quote
GK you salty dog

Scrap Daddy recently discovered the most broken glitch in the game to date, dubbed "Hax Mode", and with the help of Sage and R0B0SH4RK released it to the community, which allowed for near unlimited stacking. (Not before teasing the forum with pictures first, of course.)

He was recently voted the best active DSL builder and the second best active stock builder, just losing out to Sage.

Notable bots

Tournament Entries