Bot of the month
The Bot of the month contest (BotM for short) is a robot building contest started by ACAMS on Gametechmods. Each month, ACAMS gives needed bot criteria for the upcoming month, and the builders design a robot and create an attractive image showing it (otherwise known as a splash). The entries are then displayed to the public and are voted on in a dedicated thread, the winner is the entry with the most votes. As a reward for winning Bot of the Month your entry will be displayed on the home page.
Mostly dominated by JoeBlo and Clickbeetle.
The winners are:
(Month/Bot type/Winner/Bot Name)
May 2008: DSL HW, Naryar, Iron Mayhem (VS)
June 2008: DSL LW, 70 CUDA, Maverick v4 (VS)
July 2008: DSL MW (rammer), R0B0SH4RK, Fuerza
August 2008: Stock MW (rammer), Venko, Cotidis Nitida
September 2008: Stock MW (hammer), Sage, MC Hammer
October 2008: Anything, somestrangeguy, 2 Fast 4 U (SHW rammer/SnS)
November 2008: Anything, Madiaba & Sage, ATOM (HW Freak)
December 2008: Anything Christmas-themed, Clickbeetle, Frosty the Snowbot (Freak)
January 2009: Stock LW, Sage, Tiny Trinity (Trinity SnS)
February 2009: Stock HW, Clickbeetle, Slaying Mantis V (Hammer)
March 2009: Stock MW (Circular Chassis), Clickbeetle, Chain Reaction (Flail SnS)
April 2009: Anything, Naryar, Deflagration (SnS)
May 2009: Stock BW, Clickbeetle, Redbird of Unhappiness (Chained HS)
June 2009: DSL AW, JoeBlo, Death By Angles (SnS)
July 2009: Stock HW Hybrid, Sage, Mongrel (VS/Juggler Hybrid)
August 2009: DSL HW Popup, JoeBlo, Mystery Pyramid (Omni-directional Servo-powered Popup)
September 2009: Stock MW VS, Clickbeetle, Hell's Sawmill (Chained VS)
October 2009: Stock MW Hammer, JoeBlo Chocolate (Full Body Hammer)
November 2009: Stock HW with at least 2 plows, JoeBlo Wrecking Crew (Vertical Clamp)
December 2009: Anything Christmas-themed, 123savethewhales, Christmas Reindeers (Artbot)
January 2010: DSL HW, R0B0SH4RK, The Wr3ckoning (Full Body Drum)
February 2010: Stock MW VS, Clickbeetle, Proteus (Servo Orientated HS/VS)
March 2010: Stock HW FS, Pwnator, Core Drill (FS)
April 2010: DSL MW, Clickbeetle, Ludicrous Speed (Axle Flipper)
May 2010: Stock HW Crawler, JoeBlo, Endless Existence (Servo Boosting Crawler)
June 2010: DSL MW with a triagular chassis, JoeBlo, Tri-Mangle (Torque Reaction Hammer)
July 2010: Stock HW Hybrid with 6 Wheel Drive, JoeBlo & Sage, Blitzkrieg (Strafing, Drum/Wammer Hybrid)
August 2010: Anything, 123savethewhales, Super Massive Black Hole (UHW Freak)
September 2010: Stock BW, JoeBlo, Dimension (Full Body Servo Clamp)
October 2010: DSL HW, NFX, Flash Bang (Poker/Flamethrower Hybrid)
November 2010: DSL HW Military-themed, 123savethewhales & JoeBlo, Siege Tank (Artbot)
December 2010: Anything Christmas-themed, Clickbeetle, Gingerbot (Custom Hammer)
January 2011: Stock HW Side Hammer, NFX, Viral Sweep (Trinity Side Hammer)
February 2011: DSL HW Shell Spinner, NFX, Ion- (Dual Flail Shell Spinner/SnS)
March 2011: Stock HW, Clickbeetle, Ice Phoenix (Artbot/Hammer)
April 2011: DSL MW, Jack Daniels, El Chupacabra (Hammer/Replica)