More or less wanted to create his own Wiki page.
Arrived on the Gametechmods forums in March 2008. Decent builder, but a huge poster.
With Flying_Chao and Urjak, does some heavy contribution to this Wiki.
He is the first and only Superheavyweight member of Gametechmods With 1000+ Posts.
Stock Bot building
Rammer Hybrid specialist. Likes Hammers and VS too.
Unlike DSL, he does build mediocre wedges.
Can't snapper load and has major issues stacking. Sucks at building FS.
Grudge/Ally Status
- Grudges With: Venko (medium), most n00bs like Hydro(light) and R1885(light), System32(medium)
- Allies With: All especially Scrap Daddy and Madiaba
- Fear Rating: 20/100
- Rank: Forum Member
- Political Stance on Forum: Post Master, n00b whacker
- Inspiration/Influences: Who:Korium9, Clickbeetle, Rejected, Starcore What: "What do you mean by 'what influences'?"
BBEANS 4 progress
Currently ranked second (in the winners bracket, but fourth in all the tourney) in the tournament. His Neglected Waterbug replica teared up his way through Silver's T-4 (flipper) and Firebeetle's Red Tide VI (drum), although the last gave him more trouble.
Last fight against Pyscolone's VS Layziee was as one-sided as the other matches, and HazCon even made his best times (two rounds won in 6 seconds), but Naryar still complained loudly because he got two TKO's (OOTAs for being precise), one with Layziee nearly destroyed, and because of that he lost the first position to Sage and R0B0SH4RK.
7 KO's and 2 TKO's on 9 rounds fought.
Next fight is against R0B0SH4RK's popup. As he said, "May the best wedge win"...
The Love Story of Naryar and empty space
When he was new to Gametechmods, Naryar did had some empty space in his bots, although not a lot.
Now he tries to minimize empty space (but only nearly to the maximum), excepted his replicas that have some.
He makes anti-empty-space propaganda as his signature says so "Say NO to empty space!"
One sure thing : If a n00b comes with a bot with empty space on it, Naryar WILL whack the poor guy.