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System32 is Scottish, believes strongly in the DSL realistic rule and is 14.

Known for his particular love of arguments. Throws himself gladly in rants about American politics, especially against ACAMS.

His Stock showcase, after being created, quickly degenerated into a flame war thread, but it didn't lasted long.

Tournament history

His first tournament he entered was RAW, with unsurprisingly the SFTW of all the tournament, a FS called Facemelikeaman that used a mixture of stick and DSL parts. It lost every match to SnS.

His new version, Facemelikeafool, is a Rabid Bit Pull clone. Way superior to FMLAM, the bot was built with Naryar's help.

Facemelikeafool competed in WhamettNuht's tournament, Wild Robots Live. It proved to be a better bot that the better wedged Crashman, and survived Mutant dragonfly IV due to a GMF glitch caused by MD IV firing it's pistons while the pit's opened, but still lost due to a lack of points.

He has also entered BBEANS5 with a multibot, Consonant/Vowel. Both bots are going to be entered into RAW 2.

Notable bots

Consonant/Vowel: PaCsplash.JPG A multibot consisting of an SnS/HS hybrid (Vowel) and a rammer (Consonant). Both entered into BBEANS5, and won a match against WhammettNuht's slow popup, then losing to Scrap Daddy's juggler Cocytus IV. He plans on entering them ino RAW, as modified versions.

FMLAF: His first Decent HW. A RPB like FS, Inspired by Naryar's InfCon. Competed in WRL.

Grudge/Ally Status

  • Grudges With: InfiniteInertia, Pyscolone and ACAMS
  • Allies With: WhammettNuht.
  • Rivals With: None.
  • Fear Rating: 10/100
  • Respect Rating 10/100
  • Rank: Forum Member
  • Political Stance on Forum: Forum Arsonist, Grammar Nazi (slightly), Vet whacker(past)
  • Catchphrase: I predict blood on the walls.
  • Trivia:

-System32, along with Venko are one of the few Vet Whackers currently here today.

-System32 has the fourth highest post frequency with an astounding amount of about 5 posts per day. Only surpassed by Naryar, Sage Somebody.