The Ounce

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The Ounce is a member of the Robot Arena community who joined in June 2009 but has been playing RA2 since November 2008. The Ounce already had a fair amount of knowledge of the game and community but still is noted for his willing to learn attitude. The Ounce Prefers building in DSL over Stock, but after recently downloading Starcore v3.0 has gained more interest in Stock building. Likes to draw building ideas from Sage and the Beetle Bros, however his first showcased DSL bot bared a resemblance to one of Naryar's.

Bot Building

DSL- Recently voted as top 4th DSL builder in the community (was 5th before, but then someone changed their votes). Builds mostly popups and VS, as well as pokers, SnS and HS. Hopes to become a SnS specialist. Likes to keep his building simplistic, also claims that he is unable to build creatively. Particularly fond of improving his bots rather than building new designs, resulting in him sending 3 rebuilds of his Ragnell team in NAR AI.

Stock- Is good at utilizing most building techniques, but his potential is hampered by his seeming lack of creativity.

Notable Robots

Stiletto - A DSL lightweight poker which was given the unofficial award "Best first showcased DSL bot ever." by Naryar

Devil's Rosebush - A 36 mace Stock horizontal spinner which had skinned maces that gave it a rather unique look about it, strangely received no feedback in the showcase.

Go Up Here - A stock MW popup that was The Ounce's first showcased stock bot. Has gone through several revisions. One of its latest was in Doomed Bots, where it lost both of its fights.

Telescopic Sight - A DSL HW juggler that was entered into the Epic Showdown against Naryar, paired with Pwnator's 3nigm4. It proved to have the best wedges out of all the entries and is also featured in the NAR AI pack v2.




Grudge/Ally Status

  • Grudges With: Seemingly None
  • Allies With: Sage, JoeBlo, Pwnator, and possibly Naryar.
  • Fear Rating: 15/100
  • Respect Rating: 28/100
  • Rank: Forum Member
  • Political Stance on Forum: Normie
  • Trivia: The Ounce has an interest in plants and animals, mainly snow leopards.