Stock Mini's AI
Stock Mini's AI is an AI pack created by Ianh05 with some robots also coming from Badnik96 and freeziez. The pack features 45 stock antweight robots based of popular stock robots in the heavier weight classes.
AI robots in the pack (all made by Ianh05 unless stated otherwise):
- Sentinel
- Dementia
- Ripblade
- Big Dog
- Raptor
- Insult to Injury V (Badnik)
- Neglected Waterbug (Badnik)
- Rabid Pitbull (Badnik)
- Eye Poker (Badnik)
- Maelstrom (Badnik)
- SFTW (Badnik)
- Seism 13 (skinned by Badnik, robot made by Ianh05)
- Drumblebee (Badnik)
- SnowJob
- Billy goat gruff (based on the whole team in Starcore AI)
- Stratocaster (has it's own insides showing instead of the original's)
- SpiTe 2
- PieLauncherTheSecond
- Neglected Waterbug (Ianh05's version)
- Rabid Pitbull (Ianh05's version)
- Black Knight (Freeziez)
- Forge Spin (Freeziez)
- Straight Shooting (Freeziez)
- Devil
- Fury
Preview (mostly in order stated above):
The Pack also features a re-skinned Small arena as a Mini combat zone and 6 mini rookies in a team for players to use based of the original rookies.