027 LB

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While not a great builder, he has above average modding skills. managed to edit an AI python file by himself and managed to beat Naryar in RA2 Trials 1. Also working on a mod (JSL) and made an AI pack with upgraded DSL and AU BB bots.

027 LB
Rank Lightweight
Political Stance n00b
Grudge / Ally Status
Allies With Badnik96 (IRL brother)
Grudges With Pretty much everyone
Fear Rating Rating 1.gif 0/100
Respect Rating Rating 1.gif -6/100
Badnik96's little brother. Is a lot like Hard Bot, as they both are little brothers of other members on the forum and they both hate anime.

Absolutely hates anime, and made a leaving thread which got him banned.

Recently got un-banned and has promised to get better. This was a broken promise, as he began flaming members relentlessly, generally Scourge of teh Galaxy, Mr. AwesumSauce and smashysmashy. TRiaS was trying to help 027 improve in forum life, but 027 ignores TRiaS, even thinking he was insulting him at one time. After being n00b-whacked severely by Mr. AwesumSauce, ty4er, Madman3 and Enigma, he has said that he is leaving, again. But last time he left, he returned 30 days later, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he returns again and repeats his childish behavior, or just not leave at all. He never really left, he only continued pointlessly flaming (if you can even call it that, as his insults are very non-insulting) anyone who likes anime and re-posting the same reaction image over and over in order to make it a fad, it never became a fad.

Badnik recently cut off 027's Playground access and then after a short ban he returned and posted a robot in his showcase. Badnik is working to help improve 027's forum reputation.

Notable Robots

Gameshark - A DSL MW VS entered into Tag Team Tornado, it made the quarter finals with LiNcK's Gamedolphin 2 and spawned 3 incarnations, one of which was entered into Clash Cubes IV named CubeShark 2. The latest incarnation, GameShark 3, has been entered into his brother's Blades of Fury 2 tournament.

Rock Smash 2 - A DSL LW Popup. It was very wedgy but never entered into any tournament.

Nebula Belt - A DSL HW Shell Spinner made for BattleBots. It made the quarterfinals and spawned a LW version, now a Tuna Can spinner, named Nebula Belt Jr. However it was submitted too late and never competed.

"Fire" series - Known as "Team Eruption", 027 has a series of 4 DSL MWs with "fire" in their name: Flashfire (entered into ELBITE and Blades of Fury) Backfire (also entered into ELBITE), Spitfire (entered into ELBITE, also Gameshark 2), and Crossfire (not entered into any competition)