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Rank Super Heavyweight
Political Stance Normie
Grudge / Ally Status
Allies With JoeBlo, G.K., Jonzu95, ianh05
Grudges With Viper89, Sparkey98, FOTEPX
Fear Rating Rating 1.gif 1/100
Respect Rating Rating 1.gif 1/100
Teamxtreemer prefers AWs And BWs.
Memorable Quote

TeamXtreemer (also known as TX or Xtreemer), is a member of the forums and keen on entering competitions, he is most notably known for his tournaments, Xtreme BW and Xtreemer Than You, both of which have ended in disasters; Xtreme BW stretched, changed and threw rules out the window causing nonstop confusion and chaos; Xtreemer Than You on the other hand was seemingly going fine until it was prematurely ended when TX deleted the brackets and posted "I deleted all the videos but I won".

Was banned 10 days in the end of January 2010 for flaming and spamming. He returned, and visibly did not improve. Claimed to leave a few days afterward, to come return the next day. Also was banned in February For 2 weeks but his ban was lifted 2 days early. He has somewhat improved in his attitude. He Is Also Infamous For Making Each Word Start With A Capital, For No Apparent Reason Whatsoever.

Recently, he has been banned for two months after making a third leaving thread, which ended up turning into a massive joke of spam and trolling.