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Sparkey98 is a new member to the forums, joining on December 4 2009. At one point, he was considerd to be the biggest n00b on the forums, just as bad if not worse than LRA2. Since then he has improved and does not act as n00by as before. He used to get very flipped out over jokes and constructive critisicm, thinking that users were insulting him.

He at one point was trying to get as many Vets to come back as he could. So far he has gotton ToAst to come and stay, and he's gotton Duh102, Darkrat, and many others to drop by. He has also Talked to Jimxorb

He is famouse for Creating a fad on Gametechmods to build bots in Microsoft Paint, and has gotton it to spread to other forums as well. At one point, his bots "sucked Balls" and he thought they were better than others. He admits he was being dumn and his drawing style has improved since.

Has theatened to leave many times but has not. He made many "I'm leaving forums as well"

Bot Building

Stock: Below average, does know any glitches such as eFFeing, and almost never builds to the weight limit.

DSL: Better than he is at stock, but not brilliant in any way. Seems as well not to understand the simple sentence "build to weight limit"


  • Neptus series: a stock series of 7 rupting bots, that rupt when driven straight forward at full speed, the latest having a backup clamp.
  • Huggy: Sparkey's first "Good" DSL bot, that has an HS with two El Diablo tails so it looks like it has arms and hands, the latest having blades.
  • Shred 'n Stab: Sparkeys' first 'good'(first to beat all stock AI HWs) bot with 7 versions as of now, it has two Face spinners on the front and 2 spikes on the back
  • Devils thorn: a MW wedge with two flame throwers, to be entered in the April '10 BOTM.

Grudge/Ally Status