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Kill343gs (AKA Kill343guiltyspark) is an active forum member and builder at the gametechmods forums. He joined the official forum back in July of 2006 and was influenced by builders like Pyscolone and Vertigo002.

Kill343 has a friendship with InfiniteInertia with whom he created The RA2 Online Chronicles.

Kill343's other contributions include the arena skin used in the Tag Team Championship, an AI tournament hosted by Ianh05.

Tournament History

Kill343gs has had less than stellar luck when it comes to AI tournaments. His showing in BBEANS3 was going well until he had bad luck against Sorrow where he got shut out. He then lost to Clickbeetle in the loser's bracket.

The Tag Team Tournament was followed by a lot of controversy because of some AI coding issues. Kill343's bot was running on a more basic AI code than intended which led to the loss of all matches despite people's predictions. He was teamed with InfiniteInertia with the bot team of Rolo (kill343gs), a powerful popup; and Spyguy (infiniteinertia), an extremely powerful sit'n'spinner.

Kill343 has entered Stratocaster (HW), Rolo (MW), and MyPlaystationGoneWild (LW) in the ALl Round Bot Builder CHampionship, AI'd by himself. He is patiently awaiting results of this tournament. So far Team Kill343 has won its first match against Scorpio 2/3.

Kill's first ever DSL bot, Far Cry, has been entered in Sage's DSL HW tournament RAW.

Online Play

Kill343 is one of the last people to play online, and also one of the last who can host a server. He regularly plays online with Sage and InfiniteInertia.

His driving style is controversial in the idea that if he can't out-muscle his opponent weapon-wise, he goes for weak points on their sides and back.

Notable robots:

  • Slamboni:4WD Heavyweight piston rammer. Arguably kill's most well known robot. Top hit somewhere around 11,000 points. Note: Retired
  • Stratocaster:6WD Heavyweight piston rammer. Heavy hitter.
  • My Playstation Gone Wild:LW Horizontal Spinner. BBEANS 3 Entrant. Made it a decent distance before being shut out by Sorrow's robot Eco Jr. due to gyro dancing. Commonly reffered to as MPGW.
  • Rolo: Middleweight popup built for the Tag Team Competition, game everybody trouble when something in the AI code wouldn't work. Decent bot on paper but nothing seems to be able to drive it. Teamed with InfiniteInertia's robot "Spyguy" in the competition, so named for a parody of the everlasting feud between forum members Rolo and SpyGuy. Note: Retired

Grudge/Ally Status

  • Grudges With: None
  • Allies With: Most New World Veterans, especially InfiniteInertia.
  • Fear Rating: 85/100
  • Rank: New World Veteran
  • Political Stance on Forum: Innovationalist, Informationalist