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Revision as of 11:47, 4 May 2017 by Starcore (talk | contribs)
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Rank Administrator
Political Stance Wisdom Tooth, Legend of RA2, Informationalist, Innovationalist, rarely n00b whacker
Grudge / Ally Status
Allies With Unknown, most possibly the older, more experienced builders.
Grudges With Unknown. No one should dare to go against the mighty Starcore anyways.
Fear Rating Rating 5.gif 95/100
Respect Rating Rating 5.gif 95/100

One of RA2's earliest and current AI master, Starcore created the widely used Starcore AI packs, which replace the weak Stock AI with some truly dangerous machines. As a pure builder, he's no slouch; from the devastating rammer Warmachine to the mighty HS Tempus Fugit, Starcore can take any design and make the best use of it.

Starcore planned to release the V4 of it's AI pack, but he disappeared from the community some time ago. He has recently returned, and the Alpha version of V4 has been released.

Starcore's activity on the forums has been slowed to a crawl lately, but he still enters worthy tournaments once in a while and has seemingly lost nothing of his skill. He also tends to appear and post when his name is mentioned, event dubbed "the Starcore effect" by R0B0SH4RK.

Building skills

Stock: Still a great Stock builder, even after leaving the community for a while.

DSL: Program manager, Design Lead and AI for DSL 1.0. Starcore started the DSL-TC mod building most the internals and AI for the Stock DSL 1.0 bots.

Notable Robots

Tempus Fugit: Lightweight horizontal spinner with 6 razor tips and 2 z-teks as weapons. Earlier version entered in BBEANS3 but didn't fair well. Massively updated for Starcore v4 Alpha making it one of the strongest LW HS around.

Alien Queen: One of the more distinctive RA2 VS ever built. Has been updated and improved with each edition of the Starcore AI packs.

Fury: Bigger brother to the updated Tempus Fugit. One of the legendary MW HS.

Maelstrom: A pretty good HW HS. Had wedges in the v3 of the Starcore AI packs, but now has more plows and belly caster armor.

Spin Doctor: HW HS/SnS hybrid with 30 irons. Not as good as Pure 36HS in sheer damage potential, but has belly caster armor that makes him much better against popups.

T-800 Terminator: A solid HW HS with 27 Maces, 2 Spikes, and 4 Ram Plates. Did very well in BBEANS5.