
From RA2Wiki
Revision as of 06:46, 4 October 2010 by Mr. AwesumSauce (talk | contribs) (+1 Respect Rating for wearing the Respect Rating badge! ~Gig)
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Rank Heavyweight
Political Stance Normie, sort of a Peacekeeper
Grudge / Ally Status
Allies With Everyone, especially JoeBlo, G.K., Velocity EVO, Scourge of teh Galaxy, S_M, J24, Vertigo and NFX.
Grudges With None
Fear Rating Rating 1.gif 6/100
Respect Rating Rating 1.gif 14/100
Memorable Quote


Gazea2 is a fairly new member to the forums. He joined on the 18th of February, 2010. He posts quite a bit and is currently working on a component skin pack and A.I called RA2INBOW. He is also hosting a tournament called The Best Bot Builder. He is a nice member of the community and gets on well with everyone. He is always happy and welcomes advice and criticism from everyone. He builds a lot for tournaments and is generally skilled at building.


Stock: A good builder and a rather fast learner. He knows all of the glitches and can put them to good use. He builds frequently and can stack with ease.

DSL: A decent builder that is only just developing his own style.