Revision as of 00:12, 4 July 2009 by (talk)
A builder on both the gametechmods and RA2 forums. He is known mostly for his DSL pop-up Enfilad3, which placed 2nd in BBEANS 4.
Has a rivalry with Naryar, stemming from his defeat in the finals of BBEANS 4 at the hands of Hazardous Contraption, which won two consecutive matches after Enfilad3 had won in a previous round.
Despite his username, he prefers to use proper grammar over leetspeek.
Building skills
Stock: Likes Popups as well as HS, although he is a solid all-around builder.
DSL: One of the best DSL builders. DSL Popup specialist (see notable robots) although also a HS builder.
In a recent survey, R0B0SH4RK was voted the 2nd best DSL builder on the gametechmods forums, after Naryar, as well as a top-10 builder in Stock.
Grudge/Ally Status
- Grudges With: Seemingly none
- Allies With: Most of the veterans
- Rivals with: Naryar
- Fear Rating: 40/100
- Rank: New World Veteran
- Political Stance on Forum: ??
Notable Robots
- Enfilad3 : MW DSL popup. BBEANS 4 runner-up
- 28 : One of the first 4-tribar, 36 spike HS's
- Amoeba Returns : MW HS. Tag Team Tournament runner-up, paired with ianh05's Dinners Ready
- obZen: HW version of Enfilad3. A first version was entered in RAW and placed 5th along with Infernal Contraption 2, ironically the HW version of Hazardous Contraption.