Warning levels

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A warning level is given to some GTM users. They can be given when someone spams or incites a flame war in the main forum. Chatterbox and Politics are not part of the main forum and generally have looser rules.

These are the levels:

  • Watched - Someone is watched if they do something against the rules. Having a warning level is temporary, and depending on what they did, typically goes down over a period of days.
  • Moderated - Posts will not show until approved by staff. One usually gets moderated if they receive warnings too often.
  • Muted - Someone can not post (but still read posts and talk in the chatbox) until a time limit has elapsed.
  • Banned - All access to the forum is prevented until a certain time limit has elapsed.
  • Permabanned - The user is permanently banned from all areas of the forum and is never allowed to access GTM again. The only permabanned members to date are Sparkey98 (who later returned as Jamin, only to get permabanned again), HurricaneAndrew (returned under the handle Shrek, only to get permabanned again, then returned under the handle Goon, only to get permabanned again, then returned under the handle ShootingPost, only to get permabanned yet again), Noodle, and That Robot is a Spy!