Reier's Avatar 3

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Reier's Avatar 3 is a lightweight Horizontal Spinner built by Russian Roulette for BBEANS 6. Russian Roulette is currently ranked 70th in BBEANS Standings.

Reier's Avatar 3
Builder: Russian Roulette
Weight class: Lightweight
Weapon: 6 Razor Tips on Flails
Weapon power: 2 Piglets
Drive: Astroflights
Armor: 5 MM Aluminum
Awards: None
Tournament wins: Battle 1: Beats Your Final Moment 3-0 (3 KO's), Battle 2: Beats Bisector 2-1 (1 KO and 1 WBP)
Tournament Losses: Battle 3: Loses to Stanley 2 3-0, Battle 4: Loses to Minifridge 4 3-0
Trivia: Named after forum user Reier, though the robot itself doesn't look like Reier's avatar at all. It is also technically the only Dual HS spinner in BBEANS6.

What Clickbeetle listed as Strengths and Weaknesses are:

Strengths: Grabs and chews up bots

Weakness: Weak rear