Horizontal Spinner
Revision as of 09:06, 5 July 2008 by (talk)
Real Life Examples: Son of Whyachi, M.O.E., Hypno-disc
As the name implies, it is a kind of bot whose weapons spin horizontally.
HS's are very popular into the community now, and certainly the most built. The stars include InfiniteInertia's Absolute Chaos (still undefeated), sage's Ultimatum, Starcore's Tempus Fugit (pretty much of a legend into the lightweight division) and Fury (MW), and ACAMS's Death Warrant (did very well in the Tag Team Tournament partnered with Fury (this team was beaten by Sage and Sorrow)
There aren't a lot of them in the original AI:
-Tornado, middleweight with two sledgehammers
-Berserker, certainly the most damaging lightweight in all the Stock AI, with a tribar and three axe heads