Horizontal Spinner

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Real Life Examples: Son of Whyachi, M.O.E., Hypno-disc, Tornado Mer.

Game Examples: Tornado, Berserker, REVENGE

As the name implies, it is a kind of bot whose weapons spin horizontally.

The most common weapons put on HS's are razor tips, iron spikes, and maces. You might also consider Bear claws.

Have a high ADC.

Commonly Known HS

Pure HW HS, also called 36-weapon HS (abbreviated to 36HS), are bots with 36 maces (Absolute Chaos) or irons (Ultimatum). They are a common test of Stock building skill and one of the deadliest HS designs.

They mostly have 9 weapons on 4 HPZ's. You usually stack 2 Supervolts on them, and they mostly have 2WD HP Z-tek drive with Shiny Hubs or Slipperbottoms. Most of them are built with 2 Snapper II's, but Sage (the 36HS pioneer) built several with other things: Just 2 Servos, 1 snapperII, and even one snapper2.

Theres not a distinct HS for MW or LW classes, but that could be changed in the future. 12HS and 9HS and 6HS are all possibilities, but none will ever be as famous or influential as the 36HS.


HS's are very popular into the community now, and are one of the most built.

A respectable amount of members do love them.

The stars include InfiniteInertia's Absolute Chaos, Sage's Ultimatum, Starcore's Tempus fugit (pretty much of a legend into the lightweight division) and Fury (same in the MW division), and ACAMS's Death Warrant (did very well in the Tag Team Tournament partnered with Fury (this team was beaten by Sage and Sorrow when Fury ate Death Warrant), Abrupt Decision and 2 Sinister (HS/Rammer hybrid).