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One of the BeetleBros. He created Sadrabbit, Blue Moon, Pillar of Fire, Red Tide VI, and Seism 13 (which won) for BBEANS 1-5 respectively. as well as the BeetleBros components (released in their AI pack) and a few of their arenas.

Rank Old World Veteran
Political Stance Informationalist, Innovationalist
Grudge / Ally Status
Allies With Clickbeetle (brother)
Grudges With : Seemingly none
Fear Rating Rating 4.gif 62/100
Respect Rating Rating 4.gif 70/100
Some think that Firebeetle could be the "dark version" of Clickbeetle.

He also made the Hammer of Justice, the biggest bot ever made. Also followed with a recently showcased Hammer of Judgment, that can actually fit in a normal arena but still is incredibly heavy.

Ranked 19th on BBEANS standings.

Possibly more mischievous than his brother, being involved into the "press Alt - F4 to access hidden components in DSL"