RA2's current AI master, Starcore created the widely used Starcore AI packs, which replace the weak Stock AI with some truly dangerous machines. As a pure builder, he's no slouch; from the devastating rammer Warmachine to the mighty HS Tempus Fugit 2007, Starcore can take any design and make the best use of it.
Starcore planned to release the V4 of it's AI pack, but he disappeared from the community some time ago. He has recently returned, and the Alpha version of V4 has been released.
Building skills
Stock: Still one of the best Stock builders, mostly known for his deadly HS.
DSL: Although he did worked on DSL 1.0, nobody saw a DSL bot coming from Starcore.
Notable Robots
Tempus Fugit: Lightweight horizontal spinner with 6 razor tips and 2 z-teks as weapon. Entered in BBEANS3 but didn't faired really well.
Fury: One of the legendary MW HS.
Maelstrom: A pretty good HW HS. Had wedges in the v3 of the Starcore AI packs, but has now more plows and belly caster armor.
Spin Doctor: HW HS/SnS hybrid with 30 irons. Not as good as Pure HS in sheer damage potential, but has also belly caster armor that makes him much better against popups.
Grudge/Ally Status
- Grudges With: None
- Allies With: All
- Fear Rating: 99/100
- Rank: Administrator
- Political Stance on Forum: Wisdom Tooth, Informationalist, Innovationalist