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-Check here for releases of the pack (currently Alpha 2): [https://gametechmods.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1786]
-Check here for releases of the pack (currently v1.0): [https://gametechmods.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1786]
-Check here for see how can you participate and other general questions: [https://gametechmods.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1139]
-Check here for see how can you participate and other general questions: [https://gametechmods.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1139]

Revision as of 22:37, 9 September 2009

A DSL AI pack made by Naryar. An uncomplete version of v1.0 was released 8th September 2009.


-A complete rebuild of all the DSL stock AI rebuilds (the 13 first teams),

-Replacing all the real life bot replicas by robots of his creation

-Entirely new teams built by him.

-Finally, a virtually infinite amount of teams made by other builders, with a setup similar to the Starcore AI packs (1 LW, 1 MW, 1 HW, and 3 other bots). It also accepts AW's, BW's and SHW's (DSL official class - 1200 kg).

Content of the pack so far

-The 15 original AI teams

-Arthrobotics (AW and BW team)

-Updated BBEANS 2&4 champions team

-6 brand new teams by Naryar (1 is empty, will be fixed in 1.1)

-14 player-submitted teams, with some eventual rebuilds by Naryar

Next release

Naryar has announced a small patch (v1.1) quickly after the v1.0 for completion.

NAR AI v2.0's release is scheduled for Christmas 2009.


-Check here for releases of the pack (currently v1.0): [1]

-Check here for see how can you participate and other general questions: [2]