NAR AI pack

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A DSL AI pack currently being made by Naryar. After relasing an initial version, he already released Alpha 3.


-A complete rebuild of nearly all the DSL stock AI rebuilds (the 13 first teams),

-Replacing all the real life bot replicas (Naryar thinks they are just for fanboys and not for serious fighting) by robots built by him and other builders.

-Finally, more than 15 teams made by other builders, with setup similar to the Starcore AI packs (1 LW, 1 MW, 1 HW, and 3 other bots). It also accepts SHW's.

Naryar already released the Alpha of that pack, that is just a basic rebuild of nearly all the DSL stock AI.

Alpha 2 consists of some fixes/rebuilds on the DSL AI bots, as well as a few replicas replaced by bots entirely built by Naryar.

The NAR AI 1.0 release, scheduled for September, will be much more complete, including all the builder teams sent so far, as well as all the replicas replaced, a few teams by Naryar himself and some final modifications on the DSL stock AI.


-Check here for releases of the pack (currently Alpha 2): [1]

-Check here for rules, needs and other general questions: [2]