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7095 Pic 2.jpg

Builder: Phlox
Weight class: Middleweight
Weapon: Four Razor Tips on a disc
Weapon power: HP Z-Tek
Drive: 4WD Redbird motors
Armor: DSA
Awards: None
Tournament wins: Battle 1: Bye, Battle 3: Beats VeXeD, Battle 4: Beats Trident
Tournament Losses: Battle 2: Loses to I Will Get Shredded, Battle 5: Loses to RipTide
Trivia: 7095 was the only 4WD VS in BBEANS 1.

7095 was a Middleweight VS built by Phlox for BBEANS 1. It was one of only 3 bots in the first BBEANS to get a bye in the first round, but it got some bad luck in the second round, where it was pitted against Loser's Bracket Runner-up I Will Get Shredded, a popup. Oddly though, it beat pyscolone's popup, VeXeD in the next round after falling to the side and having VeXeD drive into the main weapon. Then it beat Trident, and lost to Riptide, a horizontal spinner. It was not a surprise, seeing that horizontal spinners often beat vertical spinners. 7095 was one of only a few bots in BBEANS 1 to have DSA, and this could mean that it was a fluke for them, or that it was a little known glitch. Phlox is ranked 7th in BBEANS history.