Missile Test

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Missile Test is a lightweight Pop-up built by Jonzu95 for BBEANS 6.

Missile Test
Missile Test.jpg

Missile Test Botlab.jpg

Original Missile Test before BBEANS 6

Builder: Jonzu95
Weight class: Lightweight
Weapon: 4x Razor Tips & 1 Iron Spike on Aluminum Extenders
Weapon power: BSG Burst Motor
Drive: 2 Astroflight Drive
Armor: 3 MM Aluminum
Awards: None
Tournament wins: Battle 1: Wins over Conficker 3-0 (2 KO's and 1 TKO), Battle 2: Wins over Blood Orange 3-0 (3 KO's), Battle 3: Wins over New Ruin 3-0 (3 KO's), Battle 4: Wins over Bane X 2-1 (2 Havok Forfeits), Battle 6: Wins over Final Z 2-1 (1 KO and 1 Havok Forfeit)
Tournament Losses: Battle 5: Loses to Resentful Princess 2 3-0, Battle 7: Loses to Death of Angels 2 3-0
Trivia: The slowest and most heavily armored pop-up in BBEANS6, using a Titanium Sheet for frontal protection.

While not a bad build, this slow, skirt-hinged popup has managed to pull off an incredibly lucky run for what it really is. Jonzu95 is currently ranked 26th in the BBEANS Standings.

What Clickbeetle listed as Strengths and Weaknesses are:

Strengths: Very heavily armored

Weakness Not very fast