Go Up Here

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Go Up Here is a Popup built by The Ounce. It shocked all when it lost against Guybrush. It then got knocked out by C.B.F.H.O.C. Go Up Here is another well built bot, but without lady luck on its side

Go Up Here
Go Up Here.jpg
Builder: The Ounce
Weight class: MiddleWeight
Armour: DSA
Weapon: 8 Razors
Weapon power: 2 DDTs
Drive: HP-Ztek
Tournament wins: None
Tournament Losses: Round 1 loss against Guybrush 2-1 ( KO ), Round 2 loss agaisnt C.B.F.H.O.C 2-0
Trivia: Go Up Here's name comes from the game Pokemon R/S/E. It is the message written in braille at the entrance to the Sealed Chamber.

What Doomkiller listed as it's Advantage and Disadvantage are:

Advantage: Powerful weapons

Disadvantage: Exposed Chassis