Event Horizon 2
Event Horizon 2 was a Middleweight Wammer built by Clickbeetle for BBEANS 1. Event Horizon was one of the best bots of BBEANS 1, and one that still has a chance to hold up against some of the modern MW's. It was heavily favored from the beginning, an Clickbeetle included it in his three bots that he thought were good enough to win the tournament. This High-powered rammer beat two bots (Nobody Nose and Riptide), that are very similar HSs, showing how Event Horizon stands up against certain bot designs. Its losses (both against popups), show its inablity to fight against other types. It also lost in the rumble when it was destroyed by Wedge Tracker. There is also a HW version of Event Horizon 2, called "Points of No Return", which is showcased on Clickbeetle's site. Clickbeetle would later compete in all the future BBEANS, with Fight or Flight, Brown Wreckluse 2, System Flailure, Heaven's Sawmill and Bisector respectively, and he is ranked 17th in BBEANS standings.
Builder: | Clickbeetle |
Weight class: | Middleweight |
Weapon: | 9 razor tips on a 302 Low Power Servo, which can be raised or lowered (not by AIing though) for ramming with the servo, 2 spike strips on the flippers |
Weapon power: | Drive, 2 Snapper2s |
Drive: | 2WD HP Z-Tek |
Armor: | Aluminum |
Awards: | BBEANS 1 Rumble Participant |
Tournament wins: | Battle 1: Beats Smash Gold SE, Battle 2: Beats SUPRISE!, Battle 3: Beats Nobody Nose, Battle 5: Beats RipTide |
Tournament Losses: | Battle 4: Loses to Wedge Tracker , Battle 6: Loses to I Will Get Shredded |
Trivia: | Event Horizon 2 has previously been thought to have been a popup, although it is not. |