Bot With MOVING Spikes

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Bot With MOVING Spikes is a lightweight Pop-Up built by 090901 for BBEANS 6.

Bot With MOVING Spikes
Builder: 090901
Weight class: Lightweight
Weapon: 3 Razor Tips on Polycarbonate Extenders
Weapon power: BSG Burst Motor
Drive: 2 Slimbody Motors
Armor: 5 mm Plastic
Awards: None
Tournament wins: Battle 2: Wins over 4Head 2-1 (1 KO and 1 WBP), Battle 3: Wins over Elle Driver 2-1 (2 KO's)
Tournament Losses: Battle 1: Loses to Terrible Sight 3-0, Battle 4: Loses to Death of Angels 2 3-0
Trivia: This is the successor to Bot with Spikes, a previous creation of 090901's.

090901 is currently ranked 74th in the BBEANS Standings.

What Clickbeetle listed as Strengths and Weaknesses are:

Strengths: It's a pop-up

Weakness: Unreliable wedge