Steel Meatball

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Revision as of 16:16, 29 April 2009 by Scrap Daddy (talk | contribs)
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Iron Spaghetti was a Heavyweight Shell Spinner built by Scrap Daddy, and used for RAW 1. It dominated RAW more than nearly any bot has ever dominated a tournament. It was virtually uncontested in all fights, and whenever the fight wasn't going its way, it would just havok and get a re-fight. That is the reason why the fight against Mako 4 was the only fight to go 5 rounds. Mako 4 would keep knocking off hinges, and more and more havoks just kept happening. Steel Meatball and its older brother, Iron Spaghetti bot where flail shell spinners, a new but very destructive design, that scrapes along bots causing extreme damage because the other bot isn't thrown away from the bot.

Steel Meatball
Steel Meatball.jpg

Steel Meatball Pic 2.jpg

Builder: Scrap Daddy
Weight class: Heavyweight
Weapon: 24 Iron Spikes on flails on a spinning shell
Weapon power: 1 6-mag gearbox
Drive: 2 NPC-T64 Fast Motors
Armor: 1mm Aluminum
Awards: RAW 1 Champion
Tournament wins: Battle 1: Beats Lousy Launcher 3-0, Battle 2: Beats Psi 3-0, Battle 3: Beats Hum-Drums 3-0, Battle 4: Beats Good bye blue sky 3-0, Battle 5: Beats Mako 4 2-1, Battle 6-Final: Beats Good bye blue sky 3-0
Tournament Losses: None
Trivia: Steel Meatball is the younger but bigger brother of BBEANS 4 competitor Iron Spaghetti.