No Leaf Clover

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No Leaf Clover was a Middleweight VS built by meganerdbomb for BBEANS 4. The bot was considered a Mako clone until it was changed to the current weapon after the splash was realeased. Overall had an OK showing in BBEANS. Meganerdbomb built this bot just before he left for basic training for the Army. He recently returned. No Leaf Clover started the tournament fighting No Name #12, the only other bot in the tourney starting with the letters "No". Meganerdbomb is ranked 18th in BBEANS standings.

No Leaf Clover
No Leaf Clover.jpg

No Leaf Clover Pic 2.jpg

Builder: meganerdbomb
Weight class: Middleweight
Weapon: Four Spike Strips on Disc.
Weapon power: Perm 80
Drive: 2 TWM3R
Armor: 5 MM Steel
Awards: None
Tournament wins: Round 2: Beats Smoker 2-1, Round 3: Beats Psyco Sweeper 3-0
Tournament Losses: Round 1: Loses to No Name #12 2-1, Round 4: Loses to Haymaker 2-1