TheGamer's Robot Wars
A DSL 2.2 IRL tournament hosted by TGM, loosely based upon the Robot Wars S8/9 format, with 18 entrants.
It has 3 heats, as well as a additional Madness Heat (effectively a Wildcard in that the winner of this heat will be inserted into the 6th slot of Heat C), with the 3 heat winners as well as a TBD Wildcard being inserted into the grand final.
Each Heat consists of 3 1v1 battles to start, then the 3 robots that win those face eachother in a round robin. The top 2 then face eachother again and fight in the heat final.
Click this link to go to the SBV thread.
Heat A
Thrackerzod v. Geice [Geice won]
AHeapOfGames v. Doodle2411 [Doodle 2411 won]
090901 v. Thyrus [090901 won]
Round Robin
090901 v. Doodle2411 [090901 won]
Geice v. Doodle2411 [Geice won]
Heat Final
Geice v. 090901 [Geice Won]
Heat B
Jamied666 v. NeonCalypso [TBD]
Mazakari v. Probably Rob[TBD]
Baconus_Yum v. Botomatic1000[TBD]
Heat C
Jdg37 v. Guldenflame [TBD]
Badger v. DemonOfTommorow [TBD]
F1Krazy v. TheRoboteer [TBD]
Wild Card: [TBD]
Madness Heat
TommyProductionsInc. v. Mattiator [TommyProductionsInc. Won]
Mr. AS v. DemonOfTommorow [DemonOfTommorow won]
Heat Final
TommyProductionsInc. V. DemonOfTommorow [DemonOfTommorow wins]
Grand Final:
Geice v.TBD TBD v TBD
Madness Heat
Heat A
Heat B TBD
Heat C TBD
Wild Card TBD