User talk:Flying Chao
The Flying_Chao talk page. Talk Below.
Feel free to add to this page if you think this WIKI needs any thing.
Things this WIKI needs:
COMPLETED BY NARYAR: The Infogrames page has a lot of non-existent links, they should be either made so they're not links, or actually have the pages made.
1. Go to Special Pages(link on bottom left of page), and go to Wanted Pages or Short Pages to find pages that need to be made or lengthened.
2. Many of the pages such as Project:Copyrights, Help:Editing, RA2Wiki:Privacy policy, and RA2Wiki:General disclaimer need to have more information.
Naryar speaks
Removed all the crappy links in the Infogrames page.
System32's proposal
We need more catagory's. As you may know, most of the pages in this wiki are orphans. I propose we make catagory's, each for WEBSITES, ROBOTS, USERS and other groups of intrest.