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A bot builder on the GameTechMods Forums that likes to build ultra powerful SuperHeavyWeights. He was disliked by many at first, but has since become better. He is excellent at stacking, perhaps because of his glitchy game, which has caused some members to accuse him of cheating. He is often called a teacher by Naryar because of his tendency to give advices to everyone in each of his posts . Naryar also invented the term "Venko-Effect" of which was based on how Venko first acted in the forums. By Naryar's words, Venko-Effect is when a newbie comes on the forums and a flame wars begins in his showcase because of his behaviour. Another term is "Venkoism" invented by Cooker. This term is related to some of Venko's behaviour but hasn't a precise definition yet.

Venko is currently trying to make an animated and transparent chassis, of which he has great enthusiasm for.


His Current Avatar:
Example of SuperHeavyWeight: