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An active member on the official forums. He has been known to highly critique bots and mods. He and SpyGuy have been the main alpha/beta testers for Madiaba ever since Madiaba first signed onto the official forums.

Some of his many achievements include:

-Discovering the Trovaner Chassis Glitch (Trov. Glitch)

-Improving the Axle Loading Glitch (first person to use the pause button and/or the Chicken Glitch to make Axle Loading easier)

-His fundamental work in criticizing every bot in Starcore v4.

-The secret VGuide in the new Starcore v4 (more info will be released after the pack has been officially released)

-Improving the Stacking Glitch (more info will be released when the time comes)

Currently, he holds the record for most mods on one computer:

1. AU Battlebots

2. AU Battlebots Cracked

3. DSL TC v1

4. DSL TC v1.2

5. DSL TC v2

6. DSL Mess Around (it has my mods for DSL TC v2)

7. Madiaba's DSL (for most of Madiaba's mods that I test)

8. My Version RA2 (for testing bots and improving them based on how they do AIed)

9. Pys AI

10. RA2 v1.0 (for online battles)

11. RA2 v1.2 (for online battles)

12. RA2 v1.3 Clean (my backup RA2 1.3 for adding more mods)

13. RA2 Mess Around (it has my mods for stock RA2)

14. RFS Upgraded

15. SovereignII

16. SovereignII Upgraded

17. Starcore v1

18. Starcore v2

19. Starcore v3

20. Starcore v4 Alpha2