GTM Robot Wars

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Revision as of 06:58, 1 October 2016 by Craaig (talk | contribs)
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GTMRW Logo.png

GTM Robot Wars is a tournament held in late 2016 by Craaig with the help of several collaborators.

Based on the Robot Wars 2016 Format.

The Tournament

Robot Wars 2016 Arena

A DSL 2.2 IRL Cruiserweight tournament, held in the new Robot Wars 2016 arena.

Featuring 7 episodes - 6 heats and a final, all with the same format:

  • 2 first round melees of 3 robots, with 2 robots from each melee progressing
  • Round Robin between the 4 remaining competitors, with 3 points for a KO of any kind and 2 for a Judge's Decision.
  • A Final between the top 2 scoring robots, deciding the winner of the heat.

Each fight features one of 7 House Robots, controlled by Craaig, which patrols the CPZ's. The AI have been programmed to ignore the House Robot.

The House Robots

The House Robots themselves are:

The Competitors

Coming soon