Hydro is a very special member on the GTMs forums. He has been told multiple times about his double posting habits, and was ultimately banned for a short period of time (4-5 days) because of his "9x double post of death". He had a cheese avatar.
He was also obsessed by cheese and spammed GTMs about that. After this, several members added a mouse trap (and variants) to their signature. Nearly all the mousetraps and such have disappeared though.
After some back-and-forth periods of inactivity and minor activity with some minor drama, the spammer is back.
Presently he is creating random posts everywhere and even aims for a tournament, creating even more drama. He very recently gained the title of Spamweight, has recently created a DSL showcase (with unsurprisingly poorly built bots), and he posted approximately 192 times in two days (record probably never beaten before).
He also co-made the 25x Post of Shit with Craaig.
Hydro finished 2nd in the loser's melee in JoeBlo's tournament, Clash Cubes, after taking a beating in the first round of the tournament against a more-than-worthy adversary, SnSnSnSnSnS, made by Somebody.
Grudge/Ally Status
- Grudges With: None.
- Allies With: Craaig.
- Fear Rating: 5/100
- Respect Rating: 6/100
- Rank: Forum Member
- Political Stance on Forum: Forum Lurker, Retro Member, x9 Post Combo Master, A Lord of Shit, Recovering Spam Addict.
- Trivia: Hydro loves cheese.
Catchphrase: "I'm good; How are you?"
-Hydro is the second most resistant n00b to n00b whacking, surpassed only by Zero absolute.
-Hydro's name comes from "hydrocarbons" because he likes them because they are flammable.
-Hydro will accept defeat very graciously and congratulate whoever defeated him.
-Hydro and Craaig are known as the "Two Lords of Shit".
-Hydro's depth peception is WAY off.