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>playing ra2
>playing ra2
Scott's Hardening - A  Gametechmods Romance
    On a beautiful day in the wonderous land of Gaytechmods, Scott, the hardest lad to ever grace Newcastle, was busy reverting edits to the illutrious,
some would say perhaps even say, Gaytechmods wiki. He dutifully took up this task, as the Gaytechmods Wiki is a coveted archive of knowledge for all things related
to Robot Arena 2, and Gaytechmods. But, a derilict going by the gaylias SHIELD decided to vandalize this compendium of super-serious, ultra-important meditations.
    Shield was nefariously vandalizing Wiki articles, he took extreme joy in doing this, as he was a rebel at heart. In fact, by happenstance, he editing
LRA2's wiki page, adding all sorts of salacious, wrong, and slanderous filth that would get him jailed for libel if this was used as evidence for a henious crime in a
courtroom. He was in the middle of stringing up nasty lies about how LRA2 is a quick to anger lad, and has the WORST taste in waifus in the history of Gsytechmods, which
is completely untrue. "muhahahaha, that'll show that baka lra2sama what a roodypoo buckaroo he really is >:3" Shield mused to himself gayfully. That's when, suddenly
Scott appeared in the doorway, staring at Shield with eyes filled with fire, his breathing became shallow, as righteous fury was building up inside him.
holy ferver. Shield turned shrewdly "o-oh, scott-senpai, I was j-just going thru ur article bcuz ur such a kewl guy ._.". Scott then slapped Shield with all his might-
"h-he's fast!" Shield exclaimed in shock. Before Shield could react to the powerful and forceful slap, Scott slammed Shield's head down unto the table, his hand in a firm
griip on Shield's smol yellow neck. "I believe I must teach you a lesson for this heresy" LRA2 said calmly. Shield could not speak, but was filled with a mixture of fear
and a rising arousal. Scott then in one might swipe slashed off Shield's pants and undergarments, exposing his boney yellow rear to the world. "mmff~" Shield yelped in
surprise. Scott then unfastened his belt and let his pants hit the floor, revealing a 12 inch cock of impending doom, that was hardening now that it had been unleashed.
    "You will repent for your actions heathen - NO LUBE NO RUBER!" LRA2 shrieked and immediately plunged his shaft in the depths of Shields yerrow boipuss. Shield
let out a silent scream, his face now flushed and tears flowing thru his eyes, in a combonation of being proud that such a strong manly hunk would take his boigurl puss
virginty, and the pain of having a gigantic PENIS fill his depths. LRA2 began fucking Shield's ass with pure religous anger, "YOU- AI'D- IT- RONG-YOUI-BIIITCH!" Scot
yelled as pillaged Shield's village. A combonation of blood and shit started to form around the rim of Shield's funhouse, which acted as a substitute for lube, and Shield
began to ahegao in pure bless. "oooooooooooo yes lra2-senpai i now see the error of mai ways! ugooo~" Shield shrieked in ecstasy. As their incredibly gay rutting increased
in speed and velocity, Shield began to piss himself, and the piss got on LRA2's shoes. Scott looked down at this mess and became angry again, and socked Shield rite in the mouf.
Shield began to bleed, but he didn't care because he was on cloud 9 because of how good LRA2sensei's PENIS was. He began to bleed to death from a combonation of anal proplasing
of his hoohaw, and the interal bleeding of his brain, but this caused a release of DMT in his brainspace and he felt relly gewd sugoi~. LRA2 came with the force of a
thousand autistic shitposters on a website for a 13 year old Rockem Sockem Robots simulator, and the cum shot with such a force that Shield's stomach became YUGE and
was instapregnant. At the realization of this, Scot became hard again and started fucking Shield's garage with unseen power. He fucked Shield's human-fleshlight so hard
that his PENIS was reaching Shield and LRA2's gay buttbaby, and LRA2's pENIS reached into the depths their miniboipussy gaybuttbaby, and he fucked it so hard that when he
came, the gaybuttbaby became stillborn by drowning in LRA2's cum.
    After this fiasco was over, Shield was dead from blood loss and trauma, and LRA2 gazed upon the corpse smugly "Tch, nuthin personnel kid, but I had to dissect
your argument to prove how wrong you really were." He then pulled his pants back up and left the GTM archives. As he gazed upon the evening sky he said "Aww, such a beautiful
duwang- their is no town as great as this. As he walked to his house he was ran over by a car, his body now a corpse, as his face had been rearranged by tire markings.
The driver just so happened to be Wen in his intial D, and Wen said "ഈ വീഡിയോ സംഭോഗം എന്നെ തരും"
[[Category: Faggot]]
[[Category: Faggot]]

Revision as of 11:20, 13 April 2017

For G.K.'s robot, see Enigma Variations.
Rank Superheavyweight
Political Stance (◕‿◕✿)
Grudge / Ally Status
Allies With Scorpion, 090901, madman3, Kill343gs (love interest), Mr. AwesumSauce
Grudges With no one
Fear Rating Rating 1.gif 17/100
Respect Rating Rating 1.gif 20/100
Is incredibly handsome
Memorable Quote
"(◕‿◕✿)" "lel" "helloface u r a jew"

The forums new Frezal. Frequently posts inside playground threads, and is friends with Scorpion, and Madman3.

Tried to make gay advances on Kill343gs with more success than anyone realizes ;) Still tries to with Nary and occasionally with Kill when he shows up.


>2017 >playing ra2 >ISHYGDDT