User talk:Klichka

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No one seems to have the sound pack I made for RA2 nor my modified Octagon Arena which had a slower opening that made the arena be less of a death trap until the very climax of a match.

They were probably lost when Aceuplink went down! If you, or anybody else has them please use this uploader and I will host them on gametechmods.

I've uploaded my new octagon. This new version replaces the old one so it might not be MP friendly, but its a hell of a lot better to play in. The old way it was a giant death trap where half the arena real-estate was hazardous after about 10 seconds and the hell raisers randomly dumped people into the pits out of their control. Now the whole arena (except for the hell raisers and hammers) is useable and the pits open up tightening it for a dramatic conclusion. It adds a new dimension to have the pits open at the end. I probably should have made them open sequentially, but I made the modification long ago and have been kicking it through my hard drive ever since.

P.S. I'm actually an administrator of Aceuplink before it went down.

Us older guy's remember you and thanks for the contribution, you can now find it on the downloads page or here

You're welcome and I hope they are good memories. Klichka 19:54, 1 October 2008 (PDT)