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367 bytes added ,  19:39, 30 July 2009
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Eagle Borg Scout is pretty much the epitomy of a generic LW HS. It has an HP Z-tek with 9 razors on its tribar. Its pretty damaging but wobbles a lot due to its snapper being on its side.
{| class="infobox bordered" style="width: 35em; text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
|+ style="font-size: larger;" | '''Eagle Borg Scout'''
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" | [[Image:EagleBorg.JPG]]
! Builder:
| [[Starcore]]
! Weight class:
| [[Lightweight]]
! Weapon:
| 9 Razors
! Weapon power:
| 1 Hp Z-Tek
! Drive:
| 2 RADs
! Armor:
Eagle Borg Scout is pretty much the epitomy of a generic LW HS. It has an HP Z-tek with 9 razors on its tribar. Its pretty damaging but wobbles a lot due to the snapper holding the motor is on its side.


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