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1,280 bytes added ,  13:31, 4 May 2016
Created page with "Robot Arena 2: Component Freedom (shortened to ComponentFreedom or RA2:CF or CF) is a series of binary patches to the Robot Arena 2 binary code by Serge. They aim to a..."
Robot Arena 2: Component Freedom (shortened to ComponentFreedom or RA2:CF or CF) is a series of binary patches to the [[Robot Arena 2]] binary code by [[Serge]]. They aim to allow as much freedom as possible in the BotLab when it comes to placement of components.

The plan is for episodic releases of additional functionality over time. Because we all know how well that worked for some games...

== v.1.0 (Teaser) ==

Released as a modified .exe by Serge on May 1st, 2016, quickly after he discovered a way to remove the [[Rule of Seven]]. It also contains a patch to remove the mass limit, as the new executable was incompatible with the previous mod to do so.

== v.2.0 (Full) ==

To be released on May 26th, the day of the RAIII release. The planned feature list is:
* Removal of 7 component chain limit
* Unlocked attachment of components to any type of attachment points (including slave points)
* Unlocked intersection with other components
* Unlocked intersection of baseplate components with chassis
* Removal of mass limit

It will be released as a [[SergePatcher]] script instead of a modified .exe (which will allow for enable and disabling of mods on demand).

== Links ==

Release thread: []


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