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20,385 bytes added ,  17:07, 24 August 2014
no edit summary
'''Completed Tournaments'''

[,8620.0.html 2 Legit 2 Quit] (Somebody with [[SnSnS 11]])

[,10673.0.html 2 Legit 2 Quit 2] ([[Somebody]] and [[plazmic inferno]] with [[Shovelnose 10]] and [[Fzeo MK 2.15]])

[,1002.0.html A.D.D.I.C.T. 1] ([[Madiaba]] with [[Mad TV]])

[ All Round Bot Builder Championship] ([[Mr. AwesumSauce]]'s ASAI with [[Mini - Dolsa II]], [[Micro Mole]], [[Fragment Reborn]], [[Coastal]] and [[Unholy Mole]])

[,9764.0.html Annihilator] ([[Fracture (User)|Fracture]] with [[Monsoon]])

[ Around the World] ([[Venko]] with [[LW - A watermelon ripened mad]])

[ Around the World 2] ([[Venko]] and [[Lightning S.]] with [[MW-The Finger]] and [[Saw on a Stick]])

[ Back To The Beginnings] (Ounce with [[Nuclear Fallout]])

[,4341.0.html Back To The Beginnings 2] (Somebody with [[Ripper of Guts 3.7]])

[,5567.0.html Back To The Beginnings 3] (The Ounce with [[Grade-4 Whiplash]])

[,6101.0.html Back To The Beginnings 4] ([[powerrave]] with [[Altifood]])

[,7183.0.html BattleBots] ([[Thyrus (User)|Thyrus]] with [[Ryu-Kishin]])

[,8055.0.html Battlebots 2] (Urjak with [[Widow II]])

[,8677.0.html Battlebots 3] (The Ounce, [[COOLRUNNER87]], [[MassimoV]] and Urjak with [[8Rec]], [[Flood 2]], [[Metal Shredder]] and [[Totality]])

[,8989.0.html Battlebots 4] (Conraaa, SKBT, Urjak and GoldenFox93 with [[No More Mr. Nice Guy]], [[SkidMark]], [[Titan]] and [[Pyromancer]])

[ Battlebots 5] ([[Squirrel_Monkey]], [[SKBT]], [[Craaig]], and [[NFX]] with [[Misinformed]], [[SkidMark]], [[ShiniGRRL]], and [[Tritium]])

[ Battlebots 6] ([[Virus Bomb]], [[Scrap Daddy]], [[Goldenfox93]], and [[Thyrus]] with [[Black Harpy]], [[Chief Kamachi]], [[Arsonist]], and [[Ryu Ultimate]])

[ Battlebots 7] ([[MikeNCR]], [[Xanosz]], and [[Thyrus]] with [[Moros]], [[Tuna Can]], [[Oizys]], and [[Ryu: Hellfire]])

[ Battlebots 8] ([[MikeNCR]], [[MassimoV]], [[akshaylan]], and [[Thyrus]] with [[Moros]], [[Biologic Assault]], [[Death Incarnate V 2.1]], and [[Ryu: Hellfire]])

[ Battlebots 9]] ([[MikeNCR]], [[Scrapyard24c]], and [[Scrap Daddy]] with [[Moros]], [[Dr. Demolition]], [[Oizys 2]], and [[Des Devious]])

[ BBEANS 4] ([[Naryar]] with [[Hazardous Contraption]]).

[,1672.0.html/ BBEANS 5] ([[Firebeetle]] with [[Seism 13]])

[,3923.0.html BBEANS 6] ([[Sage]] with [[Death of Angels 2]])

[ Beetle Bashers] ([[nicsan2009]] with [[I Dare You]])

[ Beetle Bashers 2: Double Trouble] ([[Kurt Wylde]] and [[Elementos]] with [[Lion Rampant]] and [[Irn Bru]])

[,9622.0.html Blades of Fury^2] ([[SKBT]] with [[Skidmark]])

[ Blades of Fury 3] ([[ty4er]] with [[Speedo]])

[ Blades of Glory] ([[martymidget]] with [[Skidoosh]])

[,2404.0.html/ Bot Skinning Tournament 4] ([[JoeBlo]])

[,7376.0.html Box of Nightmares] ([[Pwnator]] with [[RepulsoR]])

[ Breaking Point] ([[Mazakari]] with [[Heavy Metal]])

[ Breaking Point - DSL Standard Version] ([[Kurt Wylde]] with [[Princess, Princess, Princess]])

[,9818.0.html BroBots] ([[Squirrel_Monkey]] with [[Dark Void 2]] and [[10000 V]])

[ CentRIPetal Force] ([[martymidget]] with [[Top Spinrar]])

[ Chinese Whispers] (Naryar, [[Russian Roulette]], [[R1885]], [[Little Lost Bot]] and [[Craaig]] with [[Imperfect Construction]])

[,6057.0.html Chinese Whispers 2] (Naryar, [[Scorpion]], [[Jonzu95]] and [[Badnik96]] with [[Sloppy Job]])

[ Clash Cubes] ([[Somebody]] with [[SnSnSnSnS]])

[,2046.0.html/ Clash Cubes 2] ([[Condor33]] with [[Xenophobik Resurrektion]]).

[,3102.0.html/ Clash Cubes 3] (Urjak with [[Terminal Force]])

[,6087.0.html Clash Cubes IV] (R0B0SH4RK with [[Fire Ant]])

[,5344.0.html Clash Of The Titans] ([[Clickbeetle]] with [[Hide and Seek]])

[,2765.0.html/ CombatAnts] ([[RedlineM203]] with [[Wedge Bot With A Pointy Stick]])

[,3311.0.html/ Combat Ants 2] (RedlineM203 with [[Great Wall II]])

[,11394.0.html Cruisin' For A Bruisin'] ([[Madman3]] with [[Incarnated Solvent Abuse]])

[,2791.0.html/ Design A New Bot Type Challenge] (JoeBlo with [[Spin Within]])

[,12748.0.html D-lark's Tag Team Tussle] ([[Martymidget]] with [[Jimbob McSpank]] and [[Jimbob McSlap]])

[,6419.0.html Dominator Of Dragons] ([[Virus Bomb]] with [[Tyrantarous]])

[,2315.0.html/ Doomed Bots] ([[R0B0SH4RK]] with [[Skrzak]])

[,2919.0.html/ Epic Showdown] (The Team Of [[Ounce]] & Pwnator def Naryar)

[ Evo-Bots: Bots That Evolve] ([[090901]] with [[SpinForwardLeftRight2]], [[SpinForwardLeftRightOnWheels]], and [[RamSpinForwardLeftRight]])

[ Father and Son Tournament] ([[El Chickenado]] with [[Snugglebot Evolution]] and [[Son of Snugglebot]]

[ Father and Son Tournament 2] ([[niscan2009]] with [[I Didn't Do It]] and [[Maybe I Did]])

[,1574.0.html/ GUMBA] ([[Madiaba]] with [[Skinhead]])

[ Heavy Metal] ([[G.K.]] with [[Mockery of the Whole Concept]])

[ Helloface's DSL2 Summer 2013 Tournament] ([[SKBT]] with [[Contender]])

[ Helloface's IRL 2013] ([[akshaylan]] with [[Death Incarnate V.2]])

[,8722.0.html Home And Away] (Conraaa with [[Miss America]])

[,8746.0.html In The Air Tonight] ([[nicsan2009]] with [[Destructonator]])

[,4578.0.html IRL] ([[Craaig]] with [[Queen Calypso]])

[,8096.0.html Ironbot] ([[Naryar]] with [[Grinding Noise]])

[ Keep Your Enemies Close] ([[Kurt Wylde]] and [[Jet-Speed]] with [[Bostonius]] and [[Subtlety]])

[,2837.0.html/ King Of Karnage] (Naryar with [[Raptor Knight]])

[,6854.0.html Lego Robot Wars Replica Wars] ([[Squirrel_Monkey]] with Twister)

[ Maximum Overkill] ([[Virus Bomb]] with [[Whirlwind]])

[ Megaman: RA2 Edition] ([[090901]] with [[Fun]])

[,4465.0.html Metal Mayhem] ([[GoldenFox93]] with [[MeaCulpa II]])

[,5795.0.html Micro Mayhem Reincarnated] ([[Squirrel_Monkey]] with Moar Razors?)

[,11669.0.html Mighty Naryar's Glorious Melee 1] ([[Conraaa]] with [[Gimme Gimme Gimme (a Man after Midnight)]])

[ Minor Inconveniences] ([[090901]] with [[Robot From The West]] and [[Icky]])

[,2470.0.html/ N00B WARZ] ([[nerd500]] with [[JAWS]])

[,2651.0.html/ N00B WARZ 2] ([[Jack Daniels]] with [[Suckerpunch]])

[,2883.0.html/ N00B WARZ 3] ([[hypnodisc7]] with [[Blade Runner]])

[,9403.0.html N00B WARZ 4] (The Ounce with [[Dagger]])

[ Natural Selection] ([[NeighImACarrot]] with [[Fockerwolf]])

[ No Holds Barred] ([[Natster-104]] with [[MaLwArE XtReMe]])

[,3405.0.html Not Overly Epic Showdown] ([[Avalanche]] def [[Sparkey]])

[,7308.0.html Not Quite Replica Wars] ([[Jack Daniels]] with [[GaffSquareBladeFront4Wheels]])

[,8738.0.html Not Quite Replica Wars 2] ([[027 LB]] with [[SirNotAppearingInThisFilm]])

[ Orphans] ([[akshaylan]] with [[Widow's Avenger]])

[,6388.0.html Our Replicas Are Different] ([[Dragonfire]] with [[Pummel Bass]])

[,8740.0.html Pokemon: The League of Getehem] ([[Naryar]] with [[Aerodactyl]])

[,7573.0.html Pot Luck] ([[Urjak]] with [[Octopus]])

[ Powers Of Three] ([[Elementos]] with [[Self Defense Roots]])

[,10499.0.html RA2 Olympics] ([[logannaruto]],[[SKBT]], and [[Gropaga]] with [[Sit n Troll mini 3]], [[SHW-Mini Seek 3]], [[Skidmark]], and [[Yamato]])

[ RA2 Olympics: Lillehammer] ([[Gropaga]], [[Mr. AwesumSauce]], and [[Martymidget]] with [[Poor Man's Nuclear Power Bot]], [[EnRAGEd]], [[Tanks for the Memories]], and [[Surprise Posterior Assault]])

[,11093.0.html RA2 Olympics: London] ([[Urjak]], [[MikeNCR]], [[Gache Suede]], and [[Madman3]] with [[BW-Radial Disturbance]], [[Velocity]], [[Midnight Destiny]], and [[New Machine Of Liechtenstein]])

[ RA2 Olympics: Tokyo] ([[akshaylan]], [[Lemonism]], [[MassimoV]], and [[martymidget]] with [[Great Britain]], [[Bandito]], [[The Super Brain]], and [[Neurotoxin]])

[,5424.0.html RA2 Team Championships] (Naryar's Not Quite Evil Council: Naryar, [[martymidget]], [[G.K.]], [[Trumpetguy]], NFX and [[SKBT]] with [[Most Dastardly Flipper]], [[3C2H6O]], [[High Speed Train]], [[Yakuza]], [[Wheels are Tasty 4]] and [[Mr. Bigglesworth]])

[,6076.0.html RA2 Team Championships 2] (Naryar's Not Quite Evil Council: Naryar, martymidget, G.K, [[Vertigo]], NFX and SKBT with [[Big Bad Poker]], [[Aluminothermic Reaction 2]], [[Upthrust]], [[Bulldozer 5]], [[Extenders Are Delicious 3]] and [[Jaws Of Defeat]])

[,6744.0.html RA2 Team Championships 3] (NFX, Scrap Daddy, [[090901]], [[Conraaa]], [[dragonsteincole]] and [[Wolfsbane]] with [[Toss Salad]], [[Bokor]], [[D-Day]], [[Don't Let's Start]], [[Pricklish]] and [[Spongebob]])

[,3783.0.html RA2 Trials] ([[Sonny_Resetti]] with [[The Plastic Peril 2]])

[,4540.0.html RA2 Trials 2] (Sonny_Resetti with [[Recycled Plastic]])

[,6935.0.html RA2 Trials 3] (martymidget with [[Mr. Flibble 1.5]])

[ RA2 Trials 4] ([[martymidget]] with [[Entropy 1.5]])

[ RA2 World Championship] ([[helloface199]] with [[Ride The Lightning Evo]])

[ RA2 World Cup 2014] ([[senstro]] with [[Schoop 2]])

[ RAW] ([[Scrap Daddy]] with [[Steel Meatball]])

[,2794.0.html RAW 2] ([[InfiniteInertia]] with [[Exs]] and [[Ohs]])

[,2149.0.html/ Reier's Robo Rumble] ([[Reier]] with [[Alter Ego II]])

[,2743.0.html/ Replica Wars] ([[123savethewhales]] with [[Warhead (123)|Warhead]])

[,4892.0.html Replica Wars 2] ([[Squirrel_Monkey]] with [[Hazard (SM Replica)|Hazard]])

[,6045.0.html Replica Wars 3] ([[WhamettNuht]] with [[Misty The Wonderbot]])

[,9095.0.html RIW2] (Squirrel_Monkey with [[3V=3IR]])

[ RNP: The HoriZon] ([[Dragonsteincole]] with [[Sir Lance-a-Frog]])

[ RNP: Poker Night at the Arena] ([[Thyrus]] with [[Cheatbot]])

[ RNP: Hostile Theatre] ([[Mazkari]] with [[Pendulum]])

[ Robo Revolution] ([[RedAce]] with [[Meltdown]])

[,1640.0.html Robo Zone] (Scrap Daddy with [[UndeaD]]).

[,11807.0.html Robo Zone 2] ([[Virus Bomb]] with [[Platinum Pounder]])

[,7386.0.html RoboLeague] ([[Geice]] with [[Storm Shock]])

[,3332.0.html ROBONOVA] (Reier with [[Alter Ego II]])

[,4329.0.html ROBONOVA 2] ([[The Ounce]] & [[Starcore]] with [[Paramecium]] & [[Fury]])

[,2549.0.html/ Robot Design Tournament #3] ([[JoeBlo]] with [[Arachnophobia (bot)|Arachnophobia]])

[ Robo Revolution] ([[RedAce]] with [[Meltdown]])

[,10271.0.html Robot Wars Series 8] ([[Badnik96]] with [[Mr. Brownstone]])

[ Robot Wars 2005] ([[Badnik96]] with [[Rest in Many Pieces]])

[,7662.0.html Robotic International Wars] ([[G.K.]] with [[Minifridge 6]])

[,9901.0.html Robotic International Wars Season 3] ([[Urjak]] with [[Octopus]])

[,1670.0.html/ RODE] ([[JoeBlo]] with [[Natural High]])

[,2723.0.html/ Rust In Pieces] ([[Pwnator]] with [[Paper Cut 3]]) Consolation Bracket (Condor33 with [[TNIS]])

[ Rust In Pieces 2] ([[Yoda9726]] with [[Gluttony]])

[ Rust In Pieces 3] ([[ty4er]] with Team Drowned Hope - [[ShipWreck]] and [[SilverShark]])

[ Rust In Pieces 4] ([[Mr. AS]] with [[Karl Marx is My Husbando]])

[,8832.0.html Steel Warzone] (NFX with [[Ion]])

[,3177.0.html/ Stock's Revenge] ([[Clickbeetle]] with [[Backyard Gut-Ripper]])

[,12496.0.html Super Duper Sumos] ([[ty4er]], [[SKBT]], [[Naryar]], [[Mystic 2000]], and [[Enigma]] with [[trias smells]], [[spLat]], [[Flanking MANouver]], [[Extreme Bulldozer]], and [[Hitler Was A Nice Guy]])

[ Super Smash Bots] ([[Virus Bomb]] with [[VictimiZer]])

[ Survival of the Fittest] ([[090901]] with [[D-Day]], [[Bot with MOVING Spikes]] and [[USS Enterprise]])

[,4045.0.html Tag Team Tornado] (Naryar and JoeBlo with [[Crown of Teeth]] and [[T-Road]])

[,6404.0.html Tag Team Tussle] (Squirrel_Monkey and Badnik96 with [[Green Machine 3.1]] and [[Father of Flaze]])

[ Terror Twisters] ([[TriTon]] with [[Furious Cow 2]])

[,3409.0.html The Amazing Rage] (Ounce with [[Resonance]] series)

[ The Great Round Robin] ([[090901]] with [[SpinForwardLeftRight 2]])

[ The Kings] ([[Mr. AS]] with [[Jumbalaya 2]])

[ The Last One Standing] ([[090901]] with [[Put You Hand Inside The Puppet Head]])

[,4349.0.html The Winds Of Change] (JoeBlo with [[Pyromania]])

[,4226.0.html Total Annihilation] ([[NFX]] with [[Valid Query 2]])

[ Total Annihilation 2] ([[SKBT]] with [[Lethargic Leprechaun]])

[,13098.0.html Tusslers] ([[Fracture (User)|Fracture]] with [[Blattodea II]])

[ Tusslers 2] ([[Fracture (User)|Fracture]] with [[Monsoon 2]])

[ Tusslers 3] ([[Badnik96]], [[Mechadino]], [[Naryar]], and [[ty4er]] with [[Astraphobia 2]], [[FrostBite (Tusslers 3)|FrostBite]], [[Scorching Earth]], and [[Rotativator 2]])

[ Tusslers 4] ([[Badnik96]] with [[Lilapsophobia]])

[,9527.0.html Two To Tango] ([[NFX]] and [[SKBT]] with [[Implosion III]] and [[False Popup]])

[ UK vs USA] (Pwnator with [[Dark Striker]])

[;topicseen#new Undisputed] ([[S.T.C.]] with [[Next To Ungodliness]])

[ VG Showdown] ([[090901]] with [[GOTTA GO FAST]])

[,10631.75.html War of the Giants] ([[SKBT]] with [[Big Drum]])

[,7763.0.html Wedge War] (090901 with [[Windmill]])

[,3095.0.html/ Wheely Tag Tournament] (Ounce and Pwnator with [[DiSemboweLment]] and [[Ion Thruster]])

[,1617.0.html Wild Robots Live] (Naryar with [[Hope No More 3.2]])

[,3899.0 Wild Robots Live 2] (R1885 with [[Pytosis]])

[ Xtreme BW Competition] ([[Urjak]] with [[Enturon]])


[ Bot Of The Month Winners]

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