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I've created several tools to help out the RA2 community. This page is a short summary about what they are and what they do.

GMF Compiler and Decompiler

A new GMF compiler and decompiler, written in (pretty awful) C++. It aims to be an alternative to dummee's toolset. It can:

  • process wheels
  • process advanced constraints, like the point-to-point and angular dashpot constraints
  • process powered steering motors
  • provide helpful error messages
  • offer higher speed and stability than its predecessor.

Future releases (ETA September 2010) will provide support for decompiling Robot Arena 1 GMF files, a new, graphical, user interface, and support for scripting and basic data manipulation (resizing, flipping, rotating).

Support thread and download.

GMF Viewer

A basic GMF Viewer, coded as an exercise in OpenGL. Doesn't support Transformation Matrices, nor Materials, but offers viewing meshes selectively. Probably won't be updated anymore, if anyone is interested in picking up the project, please let me know.
