These are some shortened words and other expressions used in the community.
Shinies: Shiny Hubs
Grannies: Slipperbottoms
RADs: Reversible angle motors
Black or Black Batt: Supervolt batteries
Nifty: 6V Nifty batteries
Ants: Ant Batteries
Mags: Magmotors
Pinks: Small battery packs
Razors: Razor tips
Irons: Iron spikes
Stock: Everything related to the original game or the original game. Stock AI are the robots that come with the game. Stock components are the components that come with the game.
SFTW: A Spinner from the West entry or SFTW itself. A SFTW entry is usually thought to be the worst or one of the worst bots in any tournament. Most of the time it will fail, but some have proven to be worthy (notably Insult to Injury V)
Killer: Any robot that is not only well built, but fights really, really well.
Builder's block: State of mind (most likely lack of creativity or motivation) resulting in a builder stopping building for a while. Usually temporary.
DSL: Anything related to the DSL-TC mod itself.
DSA: Double strength aluminium armor
VS: Vertical Spinner
FS: Face Spinner
SnS: Sit and Spinner
Plow: Snowplows or Steelyard Dog plows
HPZ: High Power Z-tek
AW: Antweight
BW: Beetleweight
LW: Lightweight
MW: Middleweight
HW: Heavyweight
SHW: Superheavyweight
UHW: Ultraheavyweight
OOTA: Out of the arena
AGOD: Axle Glitch Of Death
Havok: Havok explosion