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The ELITE are the top 5 ranking ELBITERS of the ELBITE Super Tournament and are probably have the most skills in bot building. it isn't easy to make it to the top 5, but those who do are respected highly for their achievement and probably have the best components. The ELITE also have their name engraved into their components to distinguish themselves from the rest.

Rank Dropping

If a non-ELITE wins 1st place and the top 5 list is full, then the lowest ranked ELITE will become a non-ELITE. However, if the lowest ELITE has more than 1 badge, then he will still keep his place. Ranking is classified on the number of badges one has, so if a non-ELITE has more than 1 badge and the ELITE only has one, then he will take his place. An ELITE that wins 1st place and already has all eight badges, but the other Top 4 ELITES don't, is known as a Badge Blocker. An ELITE that wins 1st place, and has all eight badges, and the other Top 4 ELITES do as well is known as a Badge Logger