Martian Miner

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Martian Miner
Martian Miner.jpg

Martian Miner Pic 2.jpg

Builder: DragonFire
Weight class: Middleweight
Weapon: 1 80cm aluminum skirt used as flipper, 3 single-sided ice pics and a razor tip on a hammer
Weapon power: 2 BSG-200 Small Burst Motors
Drive: 2 TWM3R motors
Armor: 5 MM Aluminum
Awards: None
Tournament wins: None
Tournament Losses: Battle 1: Loses to Big 'n' Beefy (TKO)
Trivia: Martian Miner was the only hybrid bot in Robot Rampage Series 1.

Martian Miner was a Middleweight Flipper/Hammer Hybrid built by DragonFire for Robot Rampage Series 1. It was absolutely maimed in the first round by Big 'n' Beefy, because Martian Miner was periodically flipped and thrown by Big 'n' Beefy, with no way to self-right itself. It got lucky a few times when it landed on or near the top of the wall and fell back in, but it was finally tossed out midway through the match. Martian Miner was clearly the weakest bot in Robot Rampage Series.

What DragonFire listed as Pros and Cons were:

Pros: Strong armor

Cons: Brittle weaponry


First Round vs. Turbine Bout E