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Team/Creator: The Scrappers
Weight Class: Middleweight
Type: VS

It is in fact a Heavyweight with something like 480 kg (supposed to be a MW and fights as one in the tournaments)

Ripblade is the only stock AI true VS (Ninja is more of a Sawbot).

It looks like Backlash, but is generally considered a feeble attempt at copying it, with bad weapon choice, slow motor (A HP Z-tek could have been used), and a cumbersome and vunerable frame and weapon system, pretty much making it food for other spinners and rammers. To its credit though, it is invertable (One of the only original stock designs to be this way), but doing this renders its weapon useless.


Weapon: Z-tek powered disc with 2 20cm blades on it

Drive: 2WD RAD with slimbody wheels

Armor: Titanium

Power: 3 Nifties

The DSL version of Ripblade is a vertical spinner called Ripblade 2.


The average disc VS. Pretty well built apart from average battery power. Weapon is powerful and it has surprisingly tough armor for a design like that, but on a hard hit it WILL fly.