Dog Collar

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Dog Collar
Dog Collar.jpg

Dog Collar Pic 2.jpg

Builder: deadkenndys1105
Weight class: Heavyweight
Weapon: 16 Lightning Spikes and one Spike Club on 200cm Shell
Weapon power: Dual Perm Gearbox
Drive: 4 TWM3R Motors
Armor: 1 MM Plastic
Awards: None
Tournament wins: Battle 1: Beats Terraturtle from the sewers (KO)
Tournament Losses: Battle 2: Loses to TuniT 3 (KO), Battle 3: Loses to Ordo Malleus (KO)
Trivia: This bot was made to look like a spiked dog collar (hence the name, Dog Collar).

Dog Collar was a Heavyweight Shell Spinner built by deadkenndys1105 for BBEANS 2. Dog Collar quickly disposed of Terraturtle from the sewers in Round 1, but was thoroughly torn to shreds by TuniT 3 in Round 2, and de-shelled by Ordo Malleus, a bot made to take of shells and other discs on top of the robot. Once the shell was off, Dog Collar was quickly KOed by its opponent. It was the first and only BBEANS that deadkenndys1105 ever competed in, and he is tied for 105th in BBEANS Standings with Mr. Weedy.

What Clickbeetle listed as the Weapon and Weakness was:

Weapon Big Spiked Shell

Weakness Fragile Weapons