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moziet is a new member of GTM, who joined on March 2018. He came from the Philippines and is 14.

Rank Antweight
Grudge / Ally Status
Allies With None
Grudges With None
Fear Rating Rating 1.gif 0/100
Respect Rating Rating 1.gif 0/100
tribars are pretty cool lol
Memorable Quote

He likes both DSL-S and IRL. He likes Jigglypuff too, as showed by his profile pic and so called signature bot, Purin.

He is not a famous name now. However, he is known throughout the community for being active on Discord. As for tournament records, he managed to get into the Round of 16 in Masters of Disaster 2 by Philippa with Secured Pen. He also reached 3rd in Destruction Evolution 1 by Guldenflame with Locked Cage.

Bot Building

DSL: Prefers both IRL and DSL-S, though he apparently likes DSL-S more, from few of his posts.

Tournament record

Destruction Evolution 1: Entered Locked Cage in the first season and [Redacted] in the second season. Locked Cage performed very well in the first season, reaching 3rd after smashing bots, from Guts 2.0, Bigstick 3, Dragon Rising (it's a very close battle though, with 23-22 points), and Box Cutter in the 3rd place playoff after losing to Ceylon Returns. However, in the second season, it crashed early against MEGA Wings in a shock defeat, after being flipped OOTA by the latter. [Redacted], on the other hand, won a fight against Ring of Destruction, before losing against defending champion Big Cat 2